Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Paige is doing a great job eating "puffs" all by herself.  It's amazing how much she can learn in such a short time, on Monday she was still trying to figure out how to pick them up and today she's picking them up and putting them in her mouth all by herself! 

Ryan is traveling again this week and Paige and I miss him like crazy.  He's such a good daddy and we really miss him when he's not around.  Paige was home with me today because her daycare was closed, we had a great day and I honestly can't wait to spend all my time with her. 

We went to visit grandma and grandpa this afternoon and uncle Pat was there.  Paige kept an eye on him and then ended up snuggling up to his leg while playing on the floor...he rubbed her back/tummy and she loved it.  It was cute to watch her snuggle up to him :). 

Back to work tomorrow then Thursday is story time at the library...can't wait.

Monday, March 28, 2011

So big....

Paige is getting so big, her little teeth and her personality really crack me up.  She came home early from daycare today because Nichole was sick and she'll be home with mommy tomorrow too.  I honestly love spending time with her!

She's been working on "so big" and with the help of Grandma and Grandpa over the weekend I think she finally got the hang of it.  With some coaching she'll put her little arms up in the air on command (if you'd call it that).  She's so proud of herself when she does it...big grin and all. I'm hoping to get it on video soon, but she tend to freeze up when the camera comes out.   

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Paige loves to say "Dada" and she says it all the time!  She was playing with Ryan this morning and I got a little bit of her chatter on video.

8 months old!

Our sweet girl is 8 months old today!  She's getting so big and she looks so much older with all 4 front teeth.  Her smile is adorable with her swollen little gums and little white teeth popping out.  She's still not crawling, she prefers to roll around the floor to get what she wants.  She'll get up on all 4's but doesn't have any desire to crawl yet.  She's been sleeping better at night and I'm crossing my fingers that she dropped her 1:30am feeding.  When she goes to bed at night she snuggles the top of her head against her bumper and then puts her little butt up in the air, it's very cute.

Ryan and I are going out to dinner this afternoon to celebrate my new job as a stay at home mom, grandma and grandpa are coming over to spend the afternoon with Paige :).

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Baby Story Time

Paige had her first "baby story time" at the Anoka library today.  She had fun and loved watching the older babies play, walk and dance.  We sang songs and did several fun little songs/activities including the parachute (that brought back lots of fun memories).  After story time we went into the library and she sat on the floor and helped me pick a few new books for her.  We ended up getting a couple board books about the beach (wishful thinking) and we had fun reading them this afternoon and tonight before bed.

It was a great day! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stay at Home Mom:)

Well, it's official....I'm going to be a stay at home mom!!!  Ryan and I have talked about this for a while and in the last couple weeks I've really struggled with going to work every day.  We decided that it would be best for Paige and our family for me to stay home with her :).  I've always wanted to be a mom and I never want to look back and have regrets when it comes to her.  Staying home is a hard job, and I'm looking forward to the challenge and all the rewards!  I'll be working until the beginning or middle of May, and then I'll be home with my sweet girl!

We're starting baby library time tomorrow, I'm looking forward to seeing how she likes it.  She loves books and loves to read so I'm sure she'll love it!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Paige and James

Here are a few pictures and a cute video of Paige and her buddy James.  James is my friend Mandy’s little boy, the kids are 6 weeks apart in age and are both as cute as a button! James has the best chubby cheeks ever, and he’s such a sweet boy! 

Date Night

Thanks to Nana and Grandpa for watching Paige so Ryan and I could go out! We went to Libby’s, it’s one of our favorites, and we’ve gone there to celebrate the anniversary of our engagement for the last couple years. We had a delicious meal while sitting in the sun and people watching, it was relaxing and fun to get away with my hubby!

We also went to Boatyard one afternoon, we sat in the sun and watched the boats while snacking on nachos and having great conversation. It was so nice to sit outside and breath the fresh air…WITHOUT wearing a winter jacket!

Daddy Daughter Fun!

Paige loves when Ryan bounces her on the bed, they love to be goofy together!

Family Pics

Here are a few family pictures from Florida, we made many fun new memories!



We were out to dinner one night and Paige’s tounge was going crazy!  She couldn’t stop moving it around and did it for most of the evening, the next day that little top tooth made an appearance.  I guess all the fancy tongue work did the trick…so cute!


While on the pier at Venice beach we were able to see a few dolphins swimming around.  It was really fun to watch them jump and play and I was amazed how shallow they got.  Check it out!

Hanging out with Nana and Grandpa

Thanks you Nana and Grandpa for a wonderful trip to Florida!

Venice Beach

Nana and Grandpa took us to Venice Beach, it was awesome because there was hardly anyone else there!  Paige was able to sit on the beach and put her toes in the ocean.  It wasn't warm enough to swim, but we enjoyed watching the water and walking the pier.

A Dip In The Pool

Paige put on her swim shirt and spent a little bit of time in the pool.  She was very serious and liked sitting on the edge better then actually "swimming".  She kicked her little legs like crazy, it was pretty cute.

33 Weeks

I'm a little late posting this picture...better late then never.  Here's Paige at 33 weeks, she's on the couch at Nana and Grandpa's condo in Florida.

A list from Florida

Paige had many "firsts" during her trip to Florida:

She saw her first dolphin
She swam in a pool for the first time
She saw her first alligator
She went to the beach for the first time
She put her toes in the ocean for the first time
She got her first top tooth (top right)
She had her first poopy diaper on the airplane (that was a treat for her parents!)
She went an entire day without a nap for the first time

I'm sure there are others that I'm missing, but she sure had a fun time...what a lucky little girl!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Top Tooth

It's official, Paige's top right tooth has arrived!  She's been a little fussy, and had a rough time sleeping...but has been a trooper.  Hopefully she'll let me take a picture soon. 

It's another warm day in Floida, Paige took her first swim in the pool today.  She was very serious about it, but kicked her legs like crazy! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hanging out in Florida

We're having fun in Florida, Paige is enjoying the fresh air!  We spent some time at the pool today, it was a little to cold for her to swim but everybody sat around the pool and Paige played in her exersaucer.  She's trying to adjust her sleep and day light savings time, we're hoping tonight will be a better night sleep for her (and mommy too). 
We've been out to lunch and dinner a couple times already and she's been such a good girl.  Everyone comments on how contect she is, she has smiles for everyone who walks past.
Speaking of smiles, her little smile is about to change again...her top tooth is about to break through! We plan on seeing it in the next couple days. Her little tounge has been moving like crazy, I took a video and will post it when we get home...it's so funny :).
Nana has taught her how to shake her head "no no" so she likes to goof around and shake her head. 
Nana and grandpa watched Paige so that Ryan and I could go out to Libby's, it's the place we've gone every year to celebrate our engagement.  Ryan and Ron are going golfing tomorrow, they'll be up bright and early and I'm sure the girls will go for a walk...it should be a warm day tomorrow.  

Thursday, March 10, 2011


We're packing and getting ready for our trip to Florida!  Grandpa John is going to pick us up at 4:45am...the good news is that Paige usually wakes up around that time to eat anyway.  We're hoping she'll get up early and then take a good nap on the airplane :).  I'm sure we'll have lots of fun pictures of Paige to post when we get home.  I can't wait to see how she responds to the beach, the sand between her little toes will be precious!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Toys

My friend Mandy brought this little couch for Paige and Paige loves it!  She thinks she's a "big girl" and looks at me with such a proud face when she sits on it.  She noticed it right away when we got home today and was grunting and smiling.  It flips open so she spent a good amount of time rolling around and checking out "Dora".  Thanks Mandy!

Paige loves her new little "pop-up" toy.  She's pretty good at pushing all the animals down, she just needs to remember how to get them to pop back up.  It's pretty cute to watch her, she so serious about it...she cracks me up!

Monday, March 7, 2011

32 Weeks

She still has her cold and was more interested in cuddling and sleeping.  She took a 3 hour nap at daycare today, that NEVER happens and she went right down when I put her in bed tonight.  I used a little vapor rub at bedtime so we'll see if it helps clear her little nose out.

Anything with a Tag

Paige loves anything with a tag, those tags can entertain her for a good while!  She's so serious about them, inspects them...chews on them and rubs her little fingers back and forth on them.  Who needs toys when you have tags?!?

Diaper Time

I took this video last week, Paige loves to play in her diaper before bed.  She thinks it's pretty great when I turn on the fireplace and warm the room up then strip her down to her little diaper.  She talks, dances and all around loves it...I wish she could stay this little forever!

Winter Hat

I wish this hat could fit her forever, she looks so cute when she's all snuggled in her carseat!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sick of being sick...

Paige seems to be getting ANOTHER cold.  I'm so sad about it that I could cry...she's been sick with a cold for what seems like months!  She's very congested tonight, I was able to suck lots of boogies out before bed and I hope that means she'll be able to sleep for a while.  She wanted me to rock her to sleep, and it didn't take long for her to snuggle in and fall asleep...she wanted to suck her finger but she couldn't do that and breath at the same time.  It's heartbreaking to not be able to help her, but I was very glad to snuggle with her on the recliner for a while. 
I must admit that waking up 2-3 times a night is starting to wear on me.  When she's sick I have a hard time letting her cry it out, I know she doesn't feel well and I'm so tired that sometimes it's easier to feed her so that I can go back to sleep too.
I just pray that she's feeling better before we leave for Florida!