Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hanging out in Florida

We're having fun in Florida, Paige is enjoying the fresh air!  We spent some time at the pool today, it was a little to cold for her to swim but everybody sat around the pool and Paige played in her exersaucer.  She's trying to adjust her sleep and day light savings time, we're hoping tonight will be a better night sleep for her (and mommy too). 
We've been out to lunch and dinner a couple times already and she's been such a good girl.  Everyone comments on how contect she is, she has smiles for everyone who walks past.
Speaking of smiles, her little smile is about to change again...her top tooth is about to break through! We plan on seeing it in the next couple days. Her little tounge has been moving like crazy, I took a video and will post it when we get's so funny :).
Nana has taught her how to shake her head "no no" so she likes to goof around and shake her head. 
Nana and grandpa watched Paige so that Ryan and I could go out to Libby's, it's the place we've gone every year to celebrate our engagement.  Ryan and Ron are going golfing tomorrow, they'll be up bright and early and I'm sure the girls will go for a should be a warm day tomorrow.  

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