Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wild Nap Hair!

You  know you've had a good nap when your hair looks like this!  Now that's some serious bedhead!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bathing Beauty

Paige took her first dip in the Carlson family pool today.  She wasn't thrilled at first and needed her pacifier to get through the first couple minutes, but warmed up and had a great time!  We were so glad that Ryan was home, he was supposed to travel to WI today...but the flight was canceled so he was home with his girls instead.
On another note, Paige took a 2 hour nap this morning and is currently down for her second nap.  She went down pretty easy with minimal crying (like 2 minutes) and is sleeping peacefully as I type this entry.  Let's hope that bedtime will be that easy!

Another rough night...

We're trying hard to be consistent at bedtime (naps included).  It's so hard to listen to you cry, but I know it's the best thing for you...learning to put yourself to sleep will make you a much happier girl.  Last night you cried again, and it took you 45 minutes instead of an hour.  It seemed like 5 hours since you didn't actually fall asleep until almost 9:00!  Then, you woke up a couple times in the night and thought it was wake up time at 5:30am...there's no way that's enough sleep for a little girlie like you!
You were so tired and miserable that we skipped our morning walk and you went down for a nap at fussing just laid an bed and went right to sleep.  It's been a little over an hour and you're still resting, thank goodness!
I filled your little pool and it's facing the sun, lets hope the water heats up so we can play in a couple hours.
I love you Paige, and after you get some sleep you'll be a much happier little girl!
Pool pictures to follow :)!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Paige and Her Buddy James

Paige and I went to lunch with Mandy and James today (Tony joined us too).  The kids were cute, they played together for a while and we were even able to take walk around Mandy's neighborhood.  It felt good to get out and get some fresh air, plus chatting with Mandy is always nice...I miss her like crazy.  Not seeing each other at work has been an adjustment.  We decided that our next date will be at the zoo.  Here are a few cute pix of the kids...and yes, James has the biggest and best smile ever!

Morning Walk

Paige and I have a routine, we usually get up...she nurses, then we play and go for our morning walk.  I always look shower and no make up and I like it that way :).  Daddy was home this morning and took our picture, I never want to forget how cute you look in your pink polka-dot-hat.
You've been having issues with your afternoon nap the last couple days and I tried to let you cry it out last night at bedtime.  I went in and calmed you down every 5, 10, 15 minutes (like the books say...I give up on books) but it didn't work...and after and hour we were both exhausted and crying.  I went in and decided to nurse you.  You melted into my arms and fell asleep right were still sobbing while you slept, it broke my heart.  I will continue to try and help you fall asleep on your own at bedtime, but it's going to be a work in progress.  I put you down for your nap this morning and you didn't fuss at put your thumb in your mouth and went right to sleep (like you do everyday).  I pray that some day you'll be able to do that at night too.  Either way, I couldn't love you more!

Backyard Part II

We tried seeding the backyard...but the rain came and washed all the seed away.  Ryan and I talked and we  figured by the time we buy more seed (on top of what we already bought) it would make more sense to sod.  Ryan did the entire thing all by himself and he did an awesome job!  We didn't realize what a big job it would be and Ry said that next time (hopefully that will never happen) he'd pay someone to do it:).  Paige and I had fun playing in the backyard while he worked, Paige clapped for daddy and kept him going.  Way to go Ry, it looks awesome!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

11 Months Old

You are one month shy of your 1 year birthday!  You are not walking yet, but you'll take a couple steps on your own and then you just leap toward whatever is closest to you.  You are a happy and sweet little girl and we are lucky to have you!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Shoes

I got new shoes...AND I took a few steps today!  I was at grandma and grandpa's house and I walked a couple steps to grandpa!  Then, when daddy got home I walked at least 3-4 steps to him.  She's been standing by herself for long periods of time (long being about 30 seconds...ha...ha...ha...).  Way to go big girl!

Blowing kisses to all her fans!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bath Time

Happy Father's Day

Paige had a great day with her daddy, it started out with a special breakfast at Perkins followed by steak for lunch and steak for dinner!  We went to grandma and grandpa's for dinner and Paige had fun watching Toby play catch.  Happy Father's Day to an amazing daddy, we are so blessed to have Ryan.  Paige is so lucky to have a dad that loves her beyond words.  I know he tells her he loves her at least 10 times a day, she's one lucky girl!  We love you Daddy!

Ryan will Love this one :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Paige has been working hard on getting down from her "blue chair".  She finally got over her fear and took the plunge, now she gets down all by herself!  She also loves to reach for things while sitting on her chair, I was putting her little green frog toy out for her to reach and every time she grabbed him she would hug him and give him back to me signing "more".  She was so funny, giving him hugs and everything...I'm amazed by how much she's doing these days!  This morning I asked her to rub my back and she crawled over and did it, I could get used to that :)!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Well, our backyard is underway...
We got a recommendation from Grandpa John for someone to grind the stumps and then Ryan saw someone doing bobcat work with the neighborhood.  He asked the guy to stop by and give us a quote and he ended up leveling out the backyard tonight (for a great price I might add).  The back area was really bumpy with tons of stumps, it will be great to have that area be level and nice!  Now, we'll seed and start the watering process. We plan on planting a few shrubs for "privacy" from our neighbors.
Paige loved watching the guy on the bobcat, she stood at the window and pointed/squealed!  Who knew that could be so much fun for a little girl!

Coon Rapids Dam

We picked uncle Pat up yesterday and met Tracy and the kids at the park in the Coon Rapids dam.  It was a really nice park and Paige had a good time swinging and going down the slide.  She liked the picnic and playing with Alice's purse and backpack when Alice wasn't looking.  She also liked watching Archie, he was very calm and she really wanted to play with the remote to his shock collar...not so good.  Here are a few pictures from our fun day!