Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bedtime is no fun...

Paige, you're so good at napping.  We have a routine, I change your diaper on the living room floor and let you watch your "praise baby" DVD for a couple minutes while I let your buns "air out".  You turn into a zombie, there's something about that DVD that relaxes you like nothing else.  After only a few minutes you usually fuss a little, showing me that you're ready for bed.  I bring you upstairs, whisper the same thing in your ear every time "I'll tuck in your covers, I'll turn out the lights, I'll give you 3 kisses and whisper goodnight".  You put your little thumb in your mouth and fall right to sleep.  BUT, when I put your to bed at night it's a different cry and cry.  I'm not sure why, you're obviously tired but you really want to cuddle with mommy, you cry saying "momma-momma-momma"'s so sad.  I've been trying really hard to just let you cry it out and the crying sessions have shortened to about 15 minutes instead of 20-30 minutes.  My next task is to get you to sleep through the night, I haven't had a good night sleep in over a year...not even sure if I will remember what that would feel like.  You're worth every minute of it...and we'll get there...babysteps :).

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