Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Because I never want to forget...

I haven't done this in a while and there are so many things I never want to forget.
~You love to eat "big girl food", you don't want your baby food anymore...you want waffles, meatballs, toast, pancakes, etc.
~ You would rather blow kisses then give actual kisses.
~ You give me huge hugs when I get you out of your crib, you squeeze my neck and I love it!
~ You squint your little eyes when it's bright out, which causes your entire face to crinkle up, it's adorable!
~ You love books, we read every day!
~ You wake up early, every day...usually 6am and sometimes even earlier!
~ You are such a good girl, whenever we're out to eat or at a store people always say "she's such a well behaved little girl".
~ You love to entertain people, and you love to get a reaction out of people.
~ You love to clap your hands, we sing lots of songs and you clap like crazy!
~ Your daddy taught you how to climb the stairs (mommy wasn't happy about that).
~ You love to crawl to the back door and look out the window.
~ You don't like getting your hands and face washed up after you eat.
~ You love bananas.
~ Your hair is really growing and it's starting to curl up at the ends.
~ You smile like crazy and your 6 little teeth look so adorable! 

Staying home with you is the best decision I've ever made.  I wouldn't change it for the world, you make me so proud...so happy and so full of life!  I love you!

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