Sunday, July 31, 2011

A few more steps!

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for showing Paige this trick.  She likes to walk to the couch, especially if she's holding something.  Check it out!

A day at the beach

We decided to take Paige to Lake George today.  It was an eventful trip as Ry and I are both paranoid about her getting a sunburn.  We brought our little beach umbrella and the applied lots of sunscreen...the bad part is that Paige started crying in the car and got sunscreen in her eyes.  Oh boy, it was an eventful drive...but when we got there she was happy and she really liked the WARM water.  It was "bath water warm", so that means that I enjoyed it too!  She only ate the sand once, a big mouthful...and that was it.  Here are a couple cute pix from our little outing.  She's sleeping, Ry's mowing and I'm doing laundry (and blogging).

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Paige and James

Paige had a little play date with her friend James today.  It was cute to watch them play together (and hit each other...ha...ha...ha...).  They were much more interactive this time around, they smiled and crawled with together...and I think I saw a little flirting too.

1 Year Dr. Visit

Well, that was eventful!  Paige and I just got home from her 1 year check-up and she was not happy about it!.  She cried from the time we walked into the room until we got back tot he car.  Dr. K said that was normal, but I've never seen Paige act like that...full on temper along with crying and tears.  Then came the shots and that really set her over the edge, we're both glad to be home!

Height: 2' 6" = 79.8%
Weight - 20lbs 6oz =  38.4%
Head Size - 47.6cm = 97.3%

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

From Your Mommy

Dear Paige,
You are my most precious gift and I love you more than you will ever know.  I honestly don't know how you can already be a year old, it seems like you were born just yesterday.  I remember clearly the morning you were born , I was so nervous and were breech and I had a planned c-section.  I was nervous for the surgery, and excited to meet the tiny little girl that had been living inside my tummy.  While you were in my tummy you were very active, you constantly moved your legs and you had hiccups ALL the time.  My tummy would jump with every hiccup and I was the one who told the dr. that you were gave me a huge clue as I felt your hiccups in my ribs.  The day you were born was one of the best days of my life, daddy and I were so proud and amazed by your perfect tiny body.  You have grown into such a sweet and precious little girl, you're gentle and you love to read.  You're very serious when trying new things, and it usually takes a little prompting for you to get involved.  You have a smile that lights up a room, it melts my heart when your cute little teeth show with your big grin.  You LOVE to dance, you wiggle your little butt and it's adorable!  You push your walking toy around all the time, and honestly you basically carry don't need it to walk but you're to nervous to walk without it.  I know that one day you'll just take off, until then I'm going to chase you around the living room while you push your toy and giggle.  You're still not talking much, you say momma and dada but that's about it.  You say "please, more and all done" in sign language.   I waited all my life to be a mommy and I'm so glad that God chose you as our daughter, I can't wait to watch you grow and see who you become.  You are my doodlebug, my snookie-bunny and my sweet P and I love you more than words!
I love you forever and ever,

Two Scoops...

We decided to take Paige to "Two Scoops" tonight.  We figured it was the perfect day for her first ice cream cone and she had fun.  This is a cute little shop in Anoka, I highly recommend's family owned and they make it fresh everyday!  Happy 1st Birthday Paige!

Hey, how come daddy's eating MY cone?

More One Year Pix

Here are a couple more from today...

7:54am - Happy Birthday!

7:54am - 2010

7:54am - 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

One Year Pictures...

We attempted to take some pictures of Paige today, hoping to get a "one year picture".  It didn't turn out as we planned, but I guess you can't expect much from a one year old.  She was a good girl, just very interested in everything but looking at the camera :).  Here are a couple cute ones.

I think we'll try again on her actual birthday...I'd like to get a couple more close-ups :).

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Birthday Party!

Paige had her 1st birthday party this afternoon!  She was so excited to see everyone and had a blast, it was amazing to watch her play with the big kids...she is growing up so fast.  She was spoiled with wonderful gifts and the love from her family, she is one lucky girl!  We were very sad that Paige's best buddy Kenley wasn't able to make it, she is sick and in the hospital.  Uncle Eric and Auntie Shelly sent their love and we'll celebrate together when Kenley is feeling better.  Until then, we will be sending prayers up for her quick recovery, she's such a sweetie and we really missed all of them today.

Paige had a "ladybug" theme to her party and wore a cute little ladybug dress with a little ladybug bow in her hair.  She was so cute and it was fun to watch her open gifts, we couldn't love her more...we're so proud of our precious little girl!

P.S. She loved the cupcake and like every kid enjoyed the frosting much more then the actual cake.  I think she'll have a sweet tooth like her mommy & daddy.  Happy Birthday!