Tuesday, July 26, 2011

From Your Mommy

Dear Paige,
You are my most precious gift and I love you more than you will ever know.  I honestly don't know how you can already be a year old, it seems like you were born just yesterday.  I remember clearly the morning you were born , I was so nervous and excited...you were breech and I had a planned c-section.  I was nervous for the surgery, and excited to meet the tiny little girl that had been living inside my tummy.  While you were in my tummy you were very active, you constantly moved your legs and you had hiccups ALL the time.  My tummy would jump with every hiccup and I was the one who told the dr. that you were breech...you gave me a huge clue as I felt your hiccups in my ribs.  The day you were born was one of the best days of my life, daddy and I were so proud and amazed by your perfect tiny body.  You have grown into such a sweet and precious little girl, you're gentle and you love to read.  You're very serious when trying new things, and it usually takes a little prompting for you to get involved.  You have a smile that lights up a room, it melts my heart when your cute little teeth show with your big grin.  You LOVE to dance, you wiggle your little butt and it's adorable!  You push your walking toy around all the time, and honestly you basically carry it...you don't need it to walk but you're to nervous to walk without it.  I know that one day you'll just take off, until then I'm going to chase you around the living room while you push your toy and giggle.  You're still not talking much, you say momma and dada but that's about it.  You say "please, more and all done" in sign language.   I waited all my life to be a mommy and I'm so glad that God chose you as our daughter, I can't wait to watch you grow and see who you become.  You are my doodlebug, my snookie-bunny and my sweet P and I love you more than words!
I love you forever and ever,

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