Saturday, July 23, 2011

Birthday Party!

Paige had her 1st birthday party this afternoon!  She was so excited to see everyone and had a blast, it was amazing to watch her play with the big kids...she is growing up so fast.  She was spoiled with wonderful gifts and the love from her family, she is one lucky girl!  We were very sad that Paige's best buddy Kenley wasn't able to make it, she is sick and in the hospital.  Uncle Eric and Auntie Shelly sent their love and we'll celebrate together when Kenley is feeling better.  Until then, we will be sending prayers up for her quick recovery, she's such a sweetie and we really missed all of them today.

Paige had a "ladybug" theme to her party and wore a cute little ladybug dress with a little ladybug bow in her hair.  She was so cute and it was fun to watch her open gifts, we couldn't love her more...we're so proud of our precious little girl!

P.S. She loved the cupcake and like every kid enjoyed the frosting much more then the actual cake.  I think she'll have a sweet tooth like her mommy & daddy.  Happy Birthday!

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