Friday, March 30, 2012

New Door

Our new storm door was installed yesterday and we love it! Paige noticed it right away after her nap, she tried to see the neighbor dog and called for her friend Ava who lives across the street. She can see so many things out the front door now, she was really excited to see the school buses drive by! It's the little things, right?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cousin Time

We were so excited to have Andy and Alice come over and play, they even got to spend the night! Paige had a blast with her cousins, it's great for her to play with older kids. Alice read her books last night and Paige cuddled up and listened, it was very sweet of Alice to be so patient. She looks so cute when she's trying to keep up with them. Andy and Alice have been so sweet and willing to play with her "little kid" toys. We went to story time at the library this morning and we decided that we'll go again when Andy and Alice are done with school for the summer!
Here's a few pictures from our time together :).

Monday, March 26, 2012

20 Months Old

Top 5 Things Paige Likes at 20 Months Old
1. Playing outside
2. Feeding the birds and playing in the birdseed
3. Fruit snacks
4. Her daddy
5. Wearing mommy and daddy's shoes

As you can tell, she wasn't thrilled about me taking her picture.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Men at Work!

Daddy and grandpa took on the task of "baby-proofing" the outside of the house today. We have a huge egress window that Paige, or anyone could fall into. Ryan and Grandpa did a great job of coming up with an idea of keeping kids out but still letting the sunlight in. Thanks to them we don't have to worry about Paige falling down and getting hurt.
We ended our night with Uncle Pat, we had dinner at Chipotle and took a walk around the pond. Paige talked about Pat and Jack (his dog) the entire way home...she loves her uncle Pat!

The final product!

Feeling better!

I think Paige is finally feeling better, it's been a sleepless week! It's so sad when you're baby is sick.

This shows that she's feeling better, she climbed up on Ryan's lap and said she wanted to "eat". She took his spoon and fed herself, I was thrilled because she hasn't eaten much in the last couple days.

Paige and daddy enjoying some breakfast together.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Paige got her first "bike" today. Thanks to craigslist we got her this little bike for only $15! It's has a little "steering arm" so we can keep an eye on her and push her in the right direction. Within 2 minutes she had her feet on the pedals and was trying to do it herself, it won't be long and she'll have it all figured out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pizza and Drums!

Paige and I went to my cousin Chris's house for dinner tonight. It was great to hang out, catch up and spend some time together. Of course Paige loved playing with Sam and was a little shy around Cole. Sam and Paige made a little pizza for Paige (thanks Chris!) and Chris had some yummy snacks and pizza for the "big kids" too!
Paige was up from 2:45am until about 5:30 this morning and then only slept another half hour...she was up for the day at 6am! Needless to say she was one tired girl, she had 2 short naps and was pretty crabby all day. That all changed when we got to Chris's house, it was great to see her smile and have fun...she kept everyone laughing by "tooting" at the dinner table (she takes after her dad).
After dinner we went and looked at all the instruments in the basement, Paige was in heaven and Sam let her play the drums and the piano!
 Making pizza with Sam :)
It's RARE for Paige to fall asleep in the car, but she was asleep by the time we left Chris's neighborhood. She stayed asleep and even transferred to her bed without waking up, I can honestly say that has NEVER happened before. Here's to hoping the drums and pizza tired her out enough to sleep all night, her momma needs a full night of sleep as well.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

78 degrees and sunny

It was 78 degrees and sunny today, not to mention a little humid too. Of course we soaked up as much time outside as we could, Ryan had Paige outside by 9:00am! We took a trip to Gma and Gpa's house and  were lucky enough to see Alice, Andy and Uncle Mike. Paige has been practicing and can say "Alice" now, it used to be more of a growling noise...I think Alice was excited to hear her say it. Paige was glued to Alice's side, Alice took her for walks and Paige was obsessed with looking at the 4-wheeler. Andy was busy playing basketball and beating Ryan in a game of P-I-G. After Alice & Andy left Paige turned accident prone, she bumped her head and then about 10 minutes later fell and got a bloody knee. It all comes with playing outside I guess, it didn't seem to faze her for long...many more bumps and bruises to come.

Andy's big smile after beating uncle Ry-Ry!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A wonderful saturday morning...

Thanks to my amazing husband who was willing to go for a walk in Elk River this morning. He was awesome in helping me get a few good pictures of Paige and it was fun to me to practice with my camera. Paige had a blast checking out the ducks and having nibbles of our donuts from the local bakery.
We are loving the warm weather and I'm even embracing the humidity, we did up putting our sweatshirts on because it was a little breezy by the river. What a great way to spend a saturday morning!

Friday, March 16, 2012

March = Warm Sunny Days

I honestly can't believe this weather, it's amazing! It's given me a new energy and we've been spending a ton of time outside, they days are flying by! I ended up in a tank-top and jeans and paige was down to her onesie and pants! I put the little slide together for Paige yesterday and she's having a blast climbing all over it.
After lunch we took her baby for a walk in the stroller, she walked down the sidewalk with her little stroller and loved it! People drove past and waved with a smile and a couple little girls stopped on their bike ride to say "hi", Paige was in heaven!
She's down for her nap now, I should be ironing Ryan's shirts but instead I'm looking at all the pictures I took of Paige today and reflecting on how lucky I am to be her mommy. Here are a few:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Three little words...

Paige has been stringing together 3 words at a time. I'm not sure if anyone else would understand those words, but her mommy sure does.

Some of her favorites:
~ I love you
~ I like it
~Where are you
~ I did it
~ On my tummy (this is how she goes down the slide)
~ I got it
~ Daddy's home (not 3 words, but close)

She's getting so big and learning so much every day. She notices EVERYTHING!

We played outside for about a total of 4.5 hours today and it was amazing! The days seem to fly by when the weather is sunny and warm (well, it wasn't exactly warm and sunny this morning but we still went to the park)!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fresh Air

I can't even tell you the last time we were outside for 2 1/2 consecutive hours, but today we were! Then, we went out for another hour after dinner. We went for a walk, talked to neighbors and Paige played with a few little friends. The weather this week is going to be amazing and I can't wait to enjoy it!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Paige and Sophia

We had a fun visit with my friend Shannon and her daughter Sophia today. Sophia is the daughter of my old boss, Tom. She has been wanting to get together for a "play date" with Paige for a long time and today they stopped by for a visit. Paige loved it and Sophia had a great time too. Sophia is a former thumb sucker and she loved that Paige sucks her thumb :).

Friday, March 9, 2012

Glasses & Pigtails

Ok, so I think her pigtails are the cutest thing ever...they're not perfect but they're in. She looks so much older with her hair pulled back!

I talked her into trying sunglasses, she fusses and fusses saying it's "bright" in the car. She is loud and unhappy about her opinion of the bright sun. She's not a huge fan of the glasses yet, but at least she'll wear them for a short period of time. I'm hopeful that she'll realize that it helps keep the bright sun from bothering her so much. Not to mention she looks pretty cool!