Sunday, March 18, 2012

78 degrees and sunny

It was 78 degrees and sunny today, not to mention a little humid too. Of course we soaked up as much time outside as we could, Ryan had Paige outside by 9:00am! We took a trip to Gma and Gpa's house and  were lucky enough to see Alice, Andy and Uncle Mike. Paige has been practicing and can say "Alice" now, it used to be more of a growling noise...I think Alice was excited to hear her say it. Paige was glued to Alice's side, Alice took her for walks and Paige was obsessed with looking at the 4-wheeler. Andy was busy playing basketball and beating Ryan in a game of P-I-G. After Alice & Andy left Paige turned accident prone, she bumped her head and then about 10 minutes later fell and got a bloody knee. It all comes with playing outside I guess, it didn't seem to faze her for long...many more bumps and bruises to come.

Andy's big smile after beating uncle Ry-Ry!

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