Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pizza and Drums!

Paige and I went to my cousin Chris's house for dinner tonight. It was great to hang out, catch up and spend some time together. Of course Paige loved playing with Sam and was a little shy around Cole. Sam and Paige made a little pizza for Paige (thanks Chris!) and Chris had some yummy snacks and pizza for the "big kids" too!
Paige was up from 2:45am until about 5:30 this morning and then only slept another half hour...she was up for the day at 6am! Needless to say she was one tired girl, she had 2 short naps and was pretty crabby all day. That all changed when we got to Chris's house, it was great to see her smile and have fun...she kept everyone laughing by "tooting" at the dinner table (she takes after her dad).
After dinner we went and looked at all the instruments in the basement, Paige was in heaven and Sam let her play the drums and the piano!
 Making pizza with Sam :)
It's RARE for Paige to fall asleep in the car, but she was asleep by the time we left Chris's neighborhood. She stayed asleep and even transferred to her bed without waking up, I can honestly say that has NEVER happened before. Here's to hoping the drums and pizza tired her out enough to sleep all night, her momma needs a full night of sleep as well.

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