Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Paige has added a new word to her vocabulary and it totally cracks me up. She even seems to use it in the right context. We were painting rocks outside and I gave her a rock from the pile she said "no, actually I want that one"...she's getting so big! We had a good day, she's been challenging me a lot lately but today was different, we had conversations instead of her whining to get her way. Things are ever-changing with my sweet girl.
We went shoe shopping today and she's wearing a size 8.5! We found some tennis shoes and she had her eyes set on some cute fashion boots...she kept saying "they're so cute."

 Toddler Toes!

We enjoyed the hot weather this afternoon by filling up Paige's pool, we soon realized that it had another hole. It's probably the last time we'll use it this year. By the time I took the pictures there was only a tiny bit of water left but Paige didn't seem to mind...she had fun and so did mommy.

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