Wednesday, August 22, 2012


We were in the car today and out of the blue Paige started singing "there was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name o...b-i-n-g-o". I know that she's heard this song, it's on a CD that she likes but I've never heard her sing it all by herself. More proof that she's growing up and absorbing so much every day. We have to be careful what we say in front of her....she loves to repeat things. We were in the car earlier this week and I was trying to find a store, I said "hmmm, that's weird I thought that store was right here". Paige immediately said "hmmm...that's weird" and giggled over and over. After the giggles stopped she quietly said "mommy, that's NOT weird". She cracks me up!
She's been showing her true toddler independence lately and she's been trying to push mommy's buttons (and often does a great job.)  I have to remind myself that she's only 2, not to let her control my feelings or reactions and not let her get me worked up...easier said then done. She's growing up so quick, learning so much and I couldn't love her more. I'm one proud mama!
I'll try to get a video of the BINGO song, it's pretty cute!

Here's a video...poor kid, I made her sing for the camera.

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