Saturday, November 30, 2013

The tree is up!

This Christmas tree is up! Paige was a huge help and Ryan was excited to get the tree up too, they worked hard to get it up and then we all decorated it. Graham was able to "watch" and take part in spirit as he slept through most of it. Now a month of Christmas music, and all the fun traditions that Christmas brings. This is an extra special Christmas as our family is complete and we are all healthy and well, feeling blessed this holiday season!

Friday, November 29, 2013

2 Week Dr. Visit

Graham had his 2 week doctor visit today. He's up to 8lbs 11oz, he was only 8lbs a week ago...he's already gained 11 oz!!! He's growing and it shows in the length of his newborn pants too...they are all to short! I love his pediatrician, Dr. Keplinger is one of the sweetest ladies out there - she's so nurturing and you can tell she really loves what she does!

Height: 21 1/2 inches long (87.22%)
Weight: 8lbs 11oz (60%)
Head: 15 inches (97%)

He's doing great, we are blessed to have a healthy baby boy!!!

Snuggles with mommy!

I am one lucky mommy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow, we have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!!! We have 2 healthy babies and that's number one on our list! We decided to stay home and celebrate Thanksgiving with just the 4 of us, Graham is just to little to bring around a big group of people...and the possibility of him getting sick gives me anxiety. Judy sent our Thanksgiving meal, it was delicious...and we didn't have to do a thing other than heat it up! Ryan and Paige were able to go over to Mike and Tracy's in the afternoon so she could play with her "big cousins" for a while. I stayed home and took advantage of snuggle time with my little man! Life is good!

Our day started with a check-up from Dr. Paige!
 Followed by a little painting with daddy!
Our Thanksgiving Feast...notice our plates were clean :)!

Our day ended with these to cuties snuggling!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Because it's so cute! They are burping their babies together!

Ryan's Project

Ryan has been working in the back woods to clear a trail and make a little fort for Paige. He and Dad cut down a bunch of trees yesterday, looks pretty cool back there. Paige and I went out for a nature walk and the fresh air felt great...and COLD!

Followed by a little time on the swing...I love this girl!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Graham's first bath!

We were so excited that Graham's belly button fell off because that means that he could have a bath! Until now it's just been a sponge bath, so having him all fresh and clean is wonderful! He didn't mind it, we sat him in front of the fireplace and let him be nice and warm. He seemed to like it until his sister put water on his head...ha..ha..ha..
Here are a few pics of our clean boy!!

Paige said she needed to put her PJ's on because Graham was nice and clean. How cute are they all snuggled up on the bean bag!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lots of Love

We had lots of fun visitors this weekend...which equals lots of love! Our boy is over a week old and yet it seems like he's always been here! He is such a good baby, and we are so grateful!
His belly button fell off today, one of many "firsts" for him! He's already starting to grow out of many of the newborn hand-me-downs from my friend Janelle. He's tall and thin, his legs are amazingly long which make all the newborn outfits to short (I can relate to this problem). So, we're already moving into 0-3 month clothes! He has amazing skin, which makes him so handsome! His nose is adorable and his tiny little lips are so kissable! Can you tell I'm in love!!!

 A cute little hat from Grandma...thanks for finding one to fit my perfect little head!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

One week old!

Seriously, where does the time go!!! I haven't had time to blog, but I did manage to take his picture at 11:13am yesterday to document his 1 week birthday! He is a dreamy baby, such a good boy...rarely cries and loves his big sister! I couldn't feel more blessed!
It doesn't get much cuter!!!! We love you Graham!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


This is what our new bedtime routine looks used to be reading books to Paige and now it's Paige holding Graham while we all read books! Life is good and she is a wonderful big sister! I wish I had more time to write, but that would mean I'd have less time to sleep...stick with me and I'll be in full swing again soon.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Graham Eric Carlson

Hes finally here! Graham Eric Carlson arrived on Nov. 15th at 11:13am! He was 8lbs 9oz and 21 1/2 inches long. He's a sweet boy! I have lots to say but he's crying for me so I'll post some pictures instead.