Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lots of Love

We had lots of fun visitors this weekend...which equals lots of love! Our boy is over a week old and yet it seems like he's always been here! He is such a good baby, and we are so grateful!
His belly button fell off today, one of many "firsts" for him! He's already starting to grow out of many of the newborn hand-me-downs from my friend Janelle. He's tall and thin, his legs are amazingly long which make all the newborn outfits to short (I can relate to this problem). So, we're already moving into 0-3 month clothes! He has amazing skin, which makes him so handsome! His nose is adorable and his tiny little lips are so kissable! Can you tell I'm in love!!!

 A cute little hat from Grandma...thanks for finding one to fit my perfect little head!

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