Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Big Boy!

Our little guy is getting so big! He's on formula 100% now and I can see his cheeks and thighs filling out more and more every day! He's much happier and I guess I can say we are all much happier to see him growing and smiling all day!
He's a little over 3 months old and is trying so hard to roll over, he's REALLY close...I have a feeling he'll be doing it in the next week or so. He's also drooling like crazy, I don't remember Paige drooling like this at his age.
He giggles and anticipates us saying "boo" to make him laugh. He squirms all day, he NEVER stops moving...lets hope I can keep up with him in his toddler years!
He's still going to physical therapy and he doesn't like it! He cries the entire time, but is much better about mommy doing his "stretches" at home. There's so much to keep up on the physical therapy front, and so little time to really do it...between sleeping, eating and praying he doesn't spit everything up when I have him on his tummy, it's tricky some days. I need to let myself relax about it, he'll be fine and he's already so strong. His sitting in his bumbo chair for short periods of time and his head control is getting better and better every day! I'm proud of him, he's my sweet boy and I'll always be his cheerleader!

Here are a few pics from today...he wasn't amused and then was downright annoyed. Is is bad that I like to get pictures of him crying, I think he looks so cute :).

Enough already mom!!

Monday, February 24, 2014


Dear Winter,

Will you ever end? Will the snow ever melt? Seriously, we need fresh air....we need to get outside and play! Please let the sun shine, please stop dropping that white stuff from the sky...please rush spring to us!

Yours truly,
A stir crazy momma

Tuesday, February 18, 2014



Grandpa did this.

While Paige and I did this!

Thanks to Grandpa for taking a nap with Graham so that Paige and I could go out and enjoy the beautiful weather! It felt so good to get fresh air! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Graham is 3 Months Old!

Look at our sweet boy, he's already 3 months old! He's turned into the happiest baby, his smile is adorable and his giggle will melt your heart!! We love this little bundle and can't imagine life without him!

I couldn't resist a picture with Big Sis too!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy 70th Birthday!

Happy 70th Birthday to the best Dad ever! We are so lucky to have such a sweet and loving Grandpa in our lives, he's always there for us and is full of love and support for our family! We love you Dad (Grandpa)!!

13 Weeks Old

Our sweet Boy!

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Practice makes perfect! We've got a long way to go, but he's doing great so far! He's such a cutie!

Preschool V-day Party!

Paige was so excited about the Valentine's Day party at her school! They played games, frosted cookies and even saw a real penguin! Lots of fun for her fist Valentine's party, she's growing up so fast!

 She requested to "play with her treats" this morning when she woke up!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

12 Weeks Old!

Our boy is 12 weeks old! I honestly can't believe it, if I were going back to work this would have been my last week with him. He seems so much smaller than Paige at this age...but maybe it's because I haven't had to prepare myself to leave him with someone else. I'm glad he gets to stay home with me, and his big sister Paige...he would really miss her! 
His neck is getting stronger, I think PT is helping and if I can keep up with the daily stretches and strengthening the therapist says we can start going every other week instead of every week! 
I don't see a huge change on eliminating soy yet, but it's only been 4 days and the doc said we'd have to wait a full 2-3 weeks to see a change. Crossing my fingers that it works!
I love this little guy!

Our little cowboy!

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I am one proud and surprised mommy tonight! Earlier tonight Paige and I were working on valentine's for her party at school next week. I was having her sign a "P" to all of them. She decided that she wanted to make one for Uncle Pat and I thought that was really sweet. I told her to write his name and she said "what are the letters?" I told her the letters and she wrote P A T on his valentine! So, I grabbed a piece of paper and asked her to write her name. I said the letters and she wrote them! The "G" is tricky (or so she tells me) so we worked on that one a lot. I am so proud of her!
How can my baby girl be old enough to do this? Preschool has been great for her, I'm amazed by how much she is learning!

Home at last!

Ryan came home after 3 days away! He was in Orlando for work (or so he says) so he brought home a few little gifts for the kids. We're happy to have him home!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The "P" Necklace

The letter of the week at preschool is "P", so Paige got to have a "P" necklace! She was really excited to tell me about it, and to tell me that she's the only person at school who started with a letter "P". It's the little things...

p.s. it was pajama day at school too!

Soy free AND Dairy free

Well, the saga continues....

Graham has continued to have blood in his diapers. I took him back in yesterday and the next step is to remove soy from my diet as well. His pediatrician consulted the GI specialist from Children's Hospital and they recommended that I continue to breast feed and eliminate both Soy and Dairy. I am going to try this for 3 week and see if there is a change. If not, we are going to put in him on a soy free/dairy free formula. During that time I will have to continue to pump in case he has a reaction to that as well. It's a lot to digest and I'm hoping I'm making the right choices. The good news is he's growing and gaining weight really well...he was 12lbs 15oz yesterday. They did a blood draw (which was heartbreaking) and checked his hemoglobin and SED levels, both came back normal and that's great news. So, for the next 3 weeks (or 8 months depending on if it works) you might catch me being a little crabby...Soy is in so much and it really limits what I can eat. It's forcing me to eat healthy and take care of myself, which isn't a bad thing...just not fun.
He's totally worth it, and I pray it helps!

Monday, February 3, 2014