Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Big Boy!

Our little guy is getting so big! He's on formula 100% now and I can see his cheeks and thighs filling out more and more every day! He's much happier and I guess I can say we are all much happier to see him growing and smiling all day!
He's a little over 3 months old and is trying so hard to roll over, he's REALLY close...I have a feeling he'll be doing it in the next week or so. He's also drooling like crazy, I don't remember Paige drooling like this at his age.
He giggles and anticipates us saying "boo" to make him laugh. He squirms all day, he NEVER stops moving...lets hope I can keep up with him in his toddler years!
He's still going to physical therapy and he doesn't like it! He cries the entire time, but is much better about mommy doing his "stretches" at home. There's so much to keep up on the physical therapy front, and so little time to really do it...between sleeping, eating and praying he doesn't spit everything up when I have him on his tummy, it's tricky some days. I need to let myself relax about it, he'll be fine and he's already so strong. His sitting in his bumbo chair for short periods of time and his head control is getting better and better every day! I'm proud of him, he's my sweet boy and I'll always be his cheerleader!

Here are a few pics from today...he wasn't amused and then was downright annoyed. Is is bad that I like to get pictures of him crying, I think he looks so cute :).

Enough already mom!!

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