Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Soy free AND Dairy free

Well, the saga continues....

Graham has continued to have blood in his diapers. I took him back in yesterday and the next step is to remove soy from my diet as well. His pediatrician consulted the GI specialist from Children's Hospital and they recommended that I continue to breast feed and eliminate both Soy and Dairy. I am going to try this for 3 week and see if there is a change. If not, we are going to put in him on a soy free/dairy free formula. During that time I will have to continue to pump in case he has a reaction to that as well. It's a lot to digest and I'm hoping I'm making the right choices. The good news is he's growing and gaining weight really well...he was 12lbs 15oz yesterday. They did a blood draw (which was heartbreaking) and checked his hemoglobin and SED levels, both came back normal and that's great news. So, for the next 3 weeks (or 8 months depending on if it works) you might catch me being a little crabby...Soy is in so much and it really limits what I can eat. It's forcing me to eat healthy and take care of myself, which isn't a bad thing...just not fun.
He's totally worth it, and I pray it helps!

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