Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Children's museum

What a fun way to spend a Tuesday morning! I'm not sure who had more fun...the kids or the grandparents:)? Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for all their help and for a yummy sub sandwich after our fun morning! 

Monday, February 23, 2015


This is Graham's idea of camping, I love that he fits in her doll's does he! 

I think she's taking after her mom...

I think she's taking after her mom! A photoshoot in the cute!

p.s. why does he sit still for her but not for me? 


Nana was brave, she came home in the middle of February from warm sunny Florida! She was able to spend time with Great Granny and we were lucky enough to have her for a few days too! It went by so fast, but we know we'll see her in a few short months! Enjoy the sunshine Nana!

Grandpa's Birthday!

Happy 29th Birthday Grandpa! It was great to get together and celebrate Grandpa's special day! Grandma made a wonderful meal and we all had a great time. Love watching the kids play together and "help" Grandpa blow out his candles.

Alice's Swim Meet

I am sooo overdue for a blog post. Here's to the kids playing together for a couple  minutes so I can post a few things. They keep me VERY busy!

Paige and I went to Grandma and Grandpa to Alice's swim meet a couple weeks ago. Paige was so excited and so was I, it was great to cheer Alice on and watch her do something she loves. She even got a 1st place ribbon in her last event, which is amazing considering that I'm sure she was exhausted!
Paige and Abby were Alice's biggest cheerleaders. It was nice and warm in there!

p.s. it's taken 25 minutes to type this post because Graham is throwing a huge tantrum. Why you ask? Well because he can't fit his body into a box the size of a shoebox of course! The fun never ends around here :)!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Visit from grandpa

Grandpa drove his 4 wheeler across the river to come visit! What a surprise...Graham was so confused as to why Grandpa was bundled up with a helmet on. The perfect impromptu coffee/banana bread date.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Best Big Sister!

Paige is such an amazing big sister! The love she has for her brother amazes me, she very rarely is bothered by him (which I know will change in the coming years)! From the day he was born to this very day she is his "mother hen". She's patient (most of the time), sweet, kind and willing to teach him just about anything. He looks up to her like no other, I hope they share this bond for a lifetime. She was very worried about him going to get tubes today, we were grateful to Grandma and Grandpa for letting her spend the night and taking her on a special date to Culvers last night. They helped keep her mind off things and she loved being with them. Watching her see him when she got home from school was adorable, they both ran to each other and hugged...huge grins for both. I had tears in my eyes, I am so glad that God gave us these two kids...buddies for life! Look how little Paige looks in this picture, it was only a year ago! Now she's humoring her brother by pulling him around the living room on Ryan's jacket (or anything else they can find). Graham has been watching Paige dance around singing "Let it Go" for months and he's finally joining in singing "Gooooo" and dancing...they crack me up. Both so different from one another but they share so much love for one another as well. I love that they will have each other to grow up with. Thanks to Paige for being such a great big sis and the perfect "Mother Hen"! 

The Big Day for Gman!

Today was the big day! We were up and on the road by 5:45am...on our way to Children's Hospital so that Graham could get tubes. I must say going through a routine procedure like tubes makes you feel completely blessed to have a healthy child. What an amazing hospital, we couldn't have asked for better care or a nicer staff. Everyone treated Graham like a king! He did a great job and the procedure itself only took about 5 minutes. I was very grateful to go back to the OR while he was being "put under", I was able to hold him until he fell asleep and kiss his cheek as I left the OR. He came to quickly after the procedure, the anesthesiologist was carrying him as the nurses pushed the little empty crib. He was not happy, crying and thrashing...very out of sorts. Luckily, that only lasted about 15 minutes and then he snuggled with me in the rocking chair and nearly fell asleep. I was soaking it up, he never sits still so it was precious to see his tired little eyes and his sweet/soft little cheeks against my arm. We are so lucky, everything went as planned and we were on our way home within an hour of the procedure. He took a nap was up running around this afternoon like nothing ever happened! Here are a few pics from this morning before the tubes, notice his amazing bed-hair...I honestly couldn't even wet it down. He must have had a great night sleep!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Future Nascar Driver?

Future NASCAR driver? I hope not, but he sure looks cute!


There is still nothing better than a box, he put his stuffed animals in and pushed them around...then decided to join them in the box!

Can I take your picture??

I think he takes after Mommy!