Monday, May 30, 2011

42 Weeks Old!

Here's our big girl, she's pulling herself up on EVERYTHING!  Looks like life just got a little busier :)!

Pulling Herself Up

Paige has been pulling herself up to her knees for a while now, but as of today she's pulling herself all the way up to her feet!  I've been showing her for the last week how to put her foot under her body to brace herself and to day it "clicked".  Way to go Paige!

Memorial Day!

We stopped at Grandma and Grandpa's on Memorial weekend too.  Uncle Mike, Auntie Tracy, Alice and Andy were there too.  Paige was able to play with everyone and have a dance party with Alice and Auntie Tracy while grandpa played the piano.

Andy even taught Paige to jump through the hoop!

Nana and Grandpa's House

We all went to Bigfork for Memorial weekend. She was a total trooper for the drive up and back, we couldn't have asked for a better traveler!

She had lots of fun at Nana and Grandpa's house.  Some of her favorite things to play with were the movies in Nana's entertainment center and the handle on grandpa's chair.  She was such a good girl, with the exception of waking up at 4:52am on Saturday morning! On a bright note, she snuggled with mommy and daddy for about an hour until we finally got out of bed.  Ryan and Grandpa went fishing while Paige, Nana and Mommy went to the coffee shop with Auntie Midge...we all had fun!

Rain...Rain...Go Away!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Little Cutie

I had to post these pictures, after her bath she had fun playing with her favorite chair (thanks to auntie Tracy).  She looks so cute whens she's playing around in her diaper :)!

The Zoo

We decided to take advantage of the beautiful afternoon and go to the zoo. It was so fun to get outside and enjoy the warm sunshine, we all had a great time.  Paige loved the animals, she "chirped" with excitement at all of them.  She was so cute and such a good girl, we even had a picnic in the park after...she loved it (and so did mommy and daddy).

10 Months Old!

Double digits did that happen so fast?  Time is flying by, I'm so grateful that I get to spend my days with you now.  I'm a much better full time mommy than a part time worker.  I feel like you're more content too, you're a total ham when we're at home...the faces you make and squeals that come out of your mouth make me laugh.  The word momma has been flowing from your little lips more and more. At 2:30 this morning you were crying in your crib saying "mom-mom-mom" it made my middle of the night wake up call much more rewarding.  It amazes me how we fit together like 2 puzzle pieces, when I nurse you, you snuggle me and tuck your little arms and legs into's so comfy and I'll be so sad when those days end.  I feel like I have been trying to savor all of these moments together because I never want to forget them.  You are the sweetest little girl, you've got spunk and you're constantly on the go.  You like to push the limits (ie: testing mommy with the fireplace, her laptop and other things you know you're not supposed to play with) and I love you for everything you are.  You're the best thing I've ever done and you make me such a happy momma!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It finally happened, Paige is saying "mom-mom-mom"!  I love it, she usually does it when she's crying before nap or when she's fussy...but today she did it out of the blue during happy playful moments!  I LOVE being a stay at home mom, I feel like she loves it too.  She's such ham, she plays and goofs around like crazy but when we go out she's so makes me laugh. 
I love you doodle-bug!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Kenley's Big Day

Today was Kenley's big surgery, we've been praying extra hard for our sweet cousin.  She's such a sweet little girl and a trooper, we can all learn so much from her!  We were able to spend some time together last night and it was nice to be able to give her a hug and kiss before her big day :).  Paige had a great time on a wagon ride with her best buddy...I see many wagon rides in their future.  We love you Kenley!

41 Weeks Old!

and of course a couple goofy pictures too...

Paige woke up from her nap with some wild hair!  She was hot and sweaty...makes me wonder if she'll have natural curl (or frizz) like her mommy?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hanging Out

Paige and I went to Grandma and Grandpa's yesterday to hang out for a bit.  She was able to play with uncle Pat and swing in the back yard.  I have a feeling it's going to be a very busy and fun summer!

Great Grandma Alice

Great Grandma Alice loved jewelry, nothing fancy...just some fun costume jewels.  When she passed away Grandma Kathy got most of it, we dressed Alice up when she was about 6 months old and now it was Paige's turn.  She didn't want to sit still, and she wanted to put everything in her mouth (go figure).  Here are a couple cute pictures.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

40 Weeks!

I can't believe you're 40 weeks old!  That's how long I was pregnant with you...and now you're here and moving all over the place.  You got your 6th tooth today, now that's a mouthful!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


We were looking forward to going to the zoo today, but the weather didn't cooperate so we stayed home.  Ryan has a bad cold so it probably worked out for the best, hopefully next weekend the weather will warm and we will all be healthy.

Instead of going to the zoo we went to Cabelas and looked at all the "stuffed" animals.  Paige was very interested in everything, her head was on a swivel!  She really liked looking at the big animals and would let our her little high pitched squeal in hopes that they would respond to her.  She also loved the fish, they were HUGE!  There's a good chance that I'll have nightmares about them tonight and a good chance that you won't catch me in a MN lake anytime soon! 

Our last stop was the "general store" where Ryan and I enjoyed our free sample of was a nice day.  Who would have ever thought that Cabelas could be so entertaining!

Friday, May 13, 2011

My Last Day

Today was my last day of work!  I was thrilled to know that I'll never have to pump at work again, never have to be stressed about not having enough milk for Paige...I won't have to wash bottles and pump parts or be stressed about being away from my sweet girl. I dropped Paige off at daycare like usual, and as I was leaving the neighborhood I saw a mom standing with her little girl waiting for the bus.  The bus pulled up with lights flashing and this little girl hugged her mommy and got on the bus, I watched her walk about half way back and sit in her seat.  She sat close to the window and waved excitedly to her mommy as the bus pulled away.  As I watched this unfold I got tears in my eyes, and I thought "I get to do that with Paige some day".  I'll be able to walk her to the bus-stop and give her a hug, and I pray that she'll wave to me like this little girl today.  It felt like a sign that I made the right choice to stop working and spend my days with Paige.  Life is short, and I never want to regret anything.  Paige gave me lots of kisses tonight before bed and it melted my heart, I feel like the luckiest mommy in the world!
I'm excited for this new chapter!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Warm Weather!

We finally have a couple consecutive days of warm weather!  Paige loves to be outside and is growing to love the grass.  She wasn't sure about the grass a week ago, she didn't like the way it felt on her legs...she would fuss and become very nervous.  That's not that case today, she crawled around and even walked (with the assistance of her mom).  We've been going for walks every night, she loves to be in her wagon and sits up like such a big girl...I can't believe how big she is getting!

Here are a couple pictures from the backyard tonight!