Friday, May 13, 2011

My Last Day

Today was my last day of work!  I was thrilled to know that I'll never have to pump at work again, never have to be stressed about not having enough milk for Paige...I won't have to wash bottles and pump parts or be stressed about being away from my sweet girl. I dropped Paige off at daycare like usual, and as I was leaving the neighborhood I saw a mom standing with her little girl waiting for the bus.  The bus pulled up with lights flashing and this little girl hugged her mommy and got on the bus, I watched her walk about half way back and sit in her seat.  She sat close to the window and waved excitedly to her mommy as the bus pulled away.  As I watched this unfold I got tears in my eyes, and I thought "I get to do that with Paige some day".  I'll be able to walk her to the bus-stop and give her a hug, and I pray that she'll wave to me like this little girl today.  It felt like a sign that I made the right choice to stop working and spend my days with Paige.  Life is short, and I never want to regret anything.  Paige gave me lots of kisses tonight before bed and it melted my heart, I feel like the luckiest mommy in the world!
I'm excited for this new chapter!

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