Thursday, May 26, 2011

10 Months Old!

Double digits did that happen so fast?  Time is flying by, I'm so grateful that I get to spend my days with you now.  I'm a much better full time mommy than a part time worker.  I feel like you're more content too, you're a total ham when we're at home...the faces you make and squeals that come out of your mouth make me laugh.  The word momma has been flowing from your little lips more and more. At 2:30 this morning you were crying in your crib saying "mom-mom-mom" it made my middle of the night wake up call much more rewarding.  It amazes me how we fit together like 2 puzzle pieces, when I nurse you, you snuggle me and tuck your little arms and legs into's so comfy and I'll be so sad when those days end.  I feel like I have been trying to savor all of these moments together because I never want to forget them.  You are the sweetest little girl, you've got spunk and you're constantly on the go.  You like to push the limits (ie: testing mommy with the fireplace, her laptop and other things you know you're not supposed to play with) and I love you for everything you are.  You're the best thing I've ever done and you make me such a happy momma!!!

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