Sunday, May 8, 2011

Andy's 5th Birthday

Lots to celebrate this weekend!  I honestly can't believe that Andy is 5 years old, it seems like just yesterday that I held his sweet little body for the first time at the Monticello hospital.  He was so little and cute and he has brought so much happiness and joy to our family.  He's my godson and I'm very proud of that, he's a born athlete and Ryan loves to play any sport possible with him.  He's all boy, and has a very kind heart he's so sweet and gentle with Paige, it almost makes me cry just thinking about it.  We love you Andy, you're an awesome little boy and it's been so much fun to watch you grow!

Paige was so tired after the party that she fell asleep within 5 minutes of leaving the house.  It's hard to see, but you can see in the mirror that she's crashed out!

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