Sunday, May 1, 2011


Paige had her first trip to Culver's yesterday...don't worry she ate baby food and passed on the custard :).  We went and hung out with Alice, Andy, Uncle Mike and Auntie Tracy then decided to go to Culver's for dinner.  Auntie Tracy bought lots of nice toys for Paige at a garage sale, Paige is so spoiled...more pictures to come.
Paige had to much water and I accused Ryan of making her "burp-choke" was very funny and I have a feeling all the adults are still laughing about it today.  Paige took in a little to much water, in the middle of coughing/choking she had a huge burp and it freaked me out...and that's the story of how Ryan made Paige "burp-choke".  I guess you had to be there, it was very funny.

Don't worry, Auntie Tracy was just kidding...she didn't really give her any ice cream :).

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