Monday, September 17, 2012

Because I never want to forget....

~Paige's little personality is ever evolving and she's becoming a pretty funny little girl. Here are a few of the cute things she's said lately.

~"Mom, I like the's so yellow"

~"Mom, I like garbage trucks...they are yucky and dirty"

~Our little family of 3 was sitting in the back yard on saturday and Ryan asked Paige "what should we do this afternoon". Paige's response was "lets go to garage sales!" She then giggled and said "I make you laugh".

~We were at Target the other day Paige was holding my list and being such a good listener. When we got to the checkout she yelled "mom, don't forget your coupons" at the top of her lungs...she knows her mom is thrifty!

~Paige and I were having breakfast the other morning and out of the blue she said "Mom, where's great granny?" I told her she was probably at home eating her breakfast and Paige told me that great granny was still sleeping. Then in the next breath she said "what color is great granny's pillow?"

Coloring (and holding the crayon like a pencil)
Playing on your scooter
Going down your slide (minus the slivers)
Fruit Snacks

Loud noises
Lawn Mowers

I must admit that I used to dread the early morning wake ups at our house. Now, I've come to enjoy our snuggles in the morning. She loves to snuggle on me while drinking milk and watching "her show". I sometimes tear up thinking about how fast she's growing and that it's only a matter of time before she wants to lay by herself. Until then I'll take all the snuggles and sweetness I can get!

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