Monday, September 24, 2012


"What you dream bout' last night" is usually the first thing that I hear when I get Paige out of her bed in the morning. I try to come up with something quick, but I usually end up saying "tigers" or "polar bears". When I ask her the same question she usually has the same response every morning "kitty cats, puppy dogs, horses and all of them". Today she ended with "owls too mommy", she's so funny. It's great to have actual conversations with her these days. It it's very sweet that she's genuinely interested in my response.
We dropped Grandma and Grandpa off at the airport this morning and she was thrilled when I parked on Post Rd so we could watch all the huge planes take off and land. She insisted we call daddy to tell him, I handed her the phone and she yelled "big planes in the sky daddy" about 10 times. Ryan was laughing so hard, listening to the excitement in her voice was precious. To think that she was SOOO excited about seeing the airplanes up close made me realize how important stuff like that is for her. It's great to slow down and just let her soak it all in. She asked me tons of questions about airplanes (many of the same questions over and over). As one point she said "I go with grandma and grandpa", and I told her that I wanted to go with them too! I love Boston/Maine, and I really hope that in the years to come Ryan and I can go there again...I remember it as being so relaxing and carefree.
Can't wait to hear about what her dreams were about, maybe she'll add airplanes to her morning phrase!

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