Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Old Halloween Pics

As I was posting the pictures from tonight I stumbled upon all the Halloween pictures from previous year. Look how much our little Lion (cow/ladybug) has grown!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the Carlsons! We are so lucky, our little Lion had a great day and a VERY fun night trick-or-treating. It was her first "official" time trick or treating and it turns out she's really good at it! I ended up coming home and Ryan and Paige went out on their own, we had tons of trick or treaters and I didn't want them to come to an empty house. I love seeing all the costumes and cute neighbor kids!

Monday, October 29, 2012

A card from Great Granny!

Paige got a halloween card from her Great Granny today! She was so excited to open it, she sat on the stairs and worked hard to tear it open. She got the card out and opened it up...a one dollar bill fell out and she was so excited. She held up the money and said "what's this called mommy", when I told her it was money her eyes light up and a cute giggle came out of her mouth. She sat on the stairs and "read" the card, or pretended to...instead she was reciting the ABC's. Thanks to Great Granny for making Paige's day! We love you!

Friends for Life!

Thanks to my amazing husband for flying my best from home for the weekend! Sara was in town last weekend, we had a great time...lots of shopping, eating, shopping and more eating. We had time to hang out with Ryan and Paige a bit too and Paige loved following Sara around! Every morning she wanted to know where Sara was, then she wanted to go wake her up. Luckily, Sara's the mom of a 2 year old too so she was always up early. We had lots of time to talk about life, kids, old times and just share a bunch of laughs. It was a great! Here are a couple pix from our weekend!

Sorry Sara, I know you're not going to like this picture...but I love how tight Paige is squeezing your neck! Miss you already!

Friday, October 26, 2012

27 Months Old


Kiki was over to play today, Shelly and I are taking turns with the girls every other thursday morning while Eliot is at pre-school. The girls love it and I love having that special "alone time" with them. They were both so sweet today, it was especially cute when they were trying to make each other laugh. They were doing silly things and waiting for a reaction from each other, it warmed my heart. They are both growing up so quick, no longer babies....but little toddler girls. They both have their own interests yet love to play together! Here's a funny video of them playing peek-a-boo with their babies, one of their favorite thursday morning activities at our house.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Paige and Alice played dress-up yesterday at Grandma's house. They had fun trying on all my old dance costumes, and it was fun to see them all dolled up! I remembered that Tracy had given Paige a bunch of Alice's old dress-up clothes about a year ago and I pulled them out today. Paige had a ball dressing up and dancing around with her babies. She said the high heels where "to rough" to walk in, but kept trying them on in hopes that they would feel better. It was cute to see her all dressed up! She told me her favorite was the white and red skirt because it was fluffy. 


I just thought this was funny. Paige was running around the house last night wearing little red bracelets and sporting the kitty cat mask she painted earlier in the day. She thought she was so funny, she kept wanting Ryan and I to try the mask on too.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Suckers Make Me Happy

Paige and I went to a "trunk or treat" even on Friday night. My friend Dana had the event at her daycare in St. Francis, it's the perfect size for toddlers. Paige had fun and was a little scared by some of the costumes, she kept saying "hold me mommy" when anyone scary looking came around. She ended up getting a sucker and was able to have her treat this morning, she told me "suckers make me happy" and I told her they made me happy too!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Laura's Baby...

I was able to get some serious snuggle time with my friend Laura's little baby yesterday. Her name is Avery and she is completely sweet and perfect. She's a tiny little thing, Paige truly was never that small. I forgot how snuggly and sweet newborns can be, and I also forgot how much they poop and eat :)! She let me take a couple pictures, isn't she precious!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

More Fun With Friends...

Sophia was over yesterday, she had MEA break at school and needed a place to hang out while mom and dad were at work. Paige loved it, she think Sophia is pretty cool. Sophia informed me that she passed her babysitter training class! She said she wants to babysit, but only in the daylight and only for 2 hours...until she's more sure of herself. She's got a way with kids and I think we'll be happy to have such a good babysitter in a year or so. I remember when Sophia was Paige's age, wow...time flies!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Paige's Buddy

My good friend Janelle came over on Friday night, it was great to hang out and catch up. Paige LOVES Janelle, she had such a fun time playing with her. She actually told me to "go" a couple times so they could play and practice doing handstands agains the wall. Janelle brought lots of fun and love to our friday night. I'm lucky to have such great friends!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Playing with daddy...

Paige had fun playing in the yard with daddy tonight. Ryan was raking and Paige was jumping in the leaves and "squishing" all the piles he made. Not sure any progress was made on the leaves in the yard, but she was one happy girl and daddy had a big smile on his face too.