Thursday, October 11, 2012

Special Treat...

For those of you that don't know, I'm sort of a stickler about Paige having sugary sweets. For one, she gets a little to crazy after eating sugar and it's usually followed by constant begging for treats and huge fits. I figure it's easier to avoid the treats all together because we both feel better and plus, she doesn't need all that junk, right?
Well, today was the exception. It's hunting season and daddy is heading up north, we decided to make cookies and muffins to send along. Paige was in heaven and licked every last morsel off the beater, she sat quietly in her highchair for a good 25 minutes...that never happens. When the "treat" was gone the crying and weeping began. This was a good reminder for me :). It was fun while it lasted!

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