Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve and Paige kind of "gets it" this year. She's been talking about what she wants for Christmas for the last month, but yet has never asked when Santa is actually coming. We had uncle Pat and Grandpa over for a Christmas Eve pizza party, poor Grandma is very sick and she couldn't come.

I asked what snack we should leave for Santa and she said "cheez-its" but only one! Then she said that Rudolph should have 2 "sticks". We prepared our snack for Santa and talked about him coming while we were all sleeping. When I was tucking her in, she said "will Santa and Rudolph climb in my bed?" I giggled and assured her they were to busy to sleep. I guess there are a lot of questions that run through their little heads, I'm sure it is a bit scary? Anyway, she went right to bed and I'm pretty sure that I'm more excited about her Christmas morning then she is!

Looks like Paige got everything she asked for (brown cow, blue horse, chicken and a trampoline) plus more!


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