Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cookies for someone special...

Paige and I make cookies for someone special yesterday, it's someone who really likes molasses cookies AND who reads this blog. I'm trying to be sneaky, but you know who you's your birthday in a few days! Actually, it's your birthday on 12-12-12 (the last time that will ever happen again!)  You're pretty special to us so we made you your favorite cookies for your birthday!
Thanks for being such a good big brother to me and a wonderful uncle to Paige...we are lucky to have you! I hope you don't see this post until after your b-day gathering, it's part of your gift!
Paige practiced singing "Happy Birthday Uncle Pat" through most of the cookie making process, followed by "do I get to eat one" and "when do I get to eat one".

Yup...they're yummy!

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