Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A beautiful night!

Seriously, tonight was one of the most beautiful nights of the year. It wasn't to hot and yet was just cool enough to be totally comfortable. We decided to pack a picnic and head to the park, but we also packed a fishing rod as the park has that option too. Paige loved it!

We had a picnic, fished some more and then played at the park. Hoping this tires her out as she's had some early wake ups lately! It was a great family night, and we all enjoyed the fresh air!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

More Soccer...

Another saturday morning brings another soccer game, it was a chilly one. Today she had a lot of cheerleaders! Grandma and Grandpa came, along with Grandpa Ron and then Janelle and Jordan joined the group! Lots of people supporting this little 3 year old soccer player. She wasn't as interested today, luckily Ryan came home from fishing just to watch her game and help her get back at it. Here are a few pics.

After Paige's nap we headed over to watch Paige's cousin Sam play soccer, she's on the varsity team for Monticello! She did a great job and Paige was happy to see her play! Way to go Sam!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Feeling creative...

Paige had some good chunks of time today where she played independently with legos. She usually hops from one thing to another every 3 minutes, so it was amazing to have a little down time...especially since she decided she didn't need a nap today.

Off the subject, a funny thing she said today.
Paige: Mom, open your mouth really wide (and she grabs my jaw and attempts to open it wider).
Me: Why?
Paige: I want to see if I can see Peanut (her future brother)
I laughed so hard and explained that she wouldn't be able to see him if she looked down my throat...good try though!

Look mom, I made deer antlers! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Picture Day

It was Paige's first ever "picture day" at school. Before she left I asked her how she was going to smile...this is the look she showed me:

Then she flashed this one:
I can't wait to see what the pictures look like. She has had a hard time the last 2 days at school, today she cried when I dropped her off but recovered after a few minutes. Her teacher said that she asked when I was coming back about 100 times...hoping that next week will bring less anxiety for her and less of a broken heart for me. So hard to leave when I know she's upset...but I guess that's how we all learn!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

2 Months!

Exactly 2 months from today, at this time (1:00pm) I will be holding my precious baby boy! Hard to believe that he'll be here so soon! Sometimes it feels like I've been pregnant forever and sometimes I feel like it's flown by. Aches and pains are setting in, sleep is no longer comfortable like it used to be...that goes for sitting on the couch too. My tail bone has been really sore so sitting and "relaxing" isn't all it's cut out to be either.

It's all worth it, to know that this baby boy is a true miracle. His life is precious, and in the beginning they didn't think he was going to make it...but he did!!!!  I can't wait to see him grow and the path he'll take in life! We love you peanut and we can't wait to meet you, hold you and kiss you!

p.s. I still have 9 weeks to go, I have a feeling my belly is going to get VERY big!!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sick :(

Being sick is no fun!!! Paige got hit hard by a nasty virus on Monday and is still trying to shake it. I thought for sure she had strep, I was actually hoping she did so she could get some antibiotics to help her heal up and feel better. The strep test was negative, so she had to suffer thought with tylenol. After 2 days of not eating and not being willing to drink without major bribery or persuasion, she finally did some on her own yesterday. Her poor little throat was so sore that eating or drinking anything was horribly painful. Now she has a "barking seal" type cough and I believe this virus is working it's way out. I hate seeing her sick or in pain, we've spent lots of time cuddling and watching movies this week and I know we're both ready for her to be back to her old self. I have a feeling it will take a couple more days.

This is what you do when you're bored and sick, she made herself a nest to watch Dora :)!

I took this video yesterday, she had perked up a bit and I wanted to record her little voice.

Monday, September 9, 2013

First Day of Preschool!!!

I can't believe I'm even typing this...we have a preschooler! She has been very excited about preschool, and today was the big day! Ryan and I both took her and I'm glad we did, she was so proud! Her new little shoes, her new backpack and all her supplies were packed and ready to go! She wasn't nervous at all, she walked right in...found her hook, found her name on the popsicle stick and wandered to the play kitchen and started making new friends! As I type this I wish I could be a fly on the wall to see how she's doing, I know she'll do great...it's harder for me to let go then anything. I didn't cry till I got to the car and then it only lasted a few minutes. Instead I was overcome with pride that my little girl is growing up and ready to take on the world.

Football Star!

We went to Andy's football game last night and were totally impressed by Andy's performance! His team is very good and Andy is a serious player! He did a great job, we loved watching him and Paige was one of his biggest (littlest) cheerleaders! Way to go #77, we can't wait to come and watch again!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Paige had her first soccer game this morning! It was a bit chaotic, but the kids all had fun! I was proud of her for jumping in and staying on the field, she can be slow to warm up with this kind of stuff...but she did great! It was cute to see all the kids running around in their little soccer shoes and shin guards!
Go yellow team!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Red Polka-Dot Bikini

I love that it's september and we're still able to play in our little pool and run through the sprinkler. I made it a point to take a picture of her in this little bikini, it's so cute! Usually, she has a life jacket over it and you don't get the full cuteness factor. My heart melts, she's getting so big!


Bambi was out the back window! Not the greatest pic, but Paige loved watching it! The deer was very small and still had spots, she really liked our birdseed. Mommy deer stood back in the woods and kept a close eye on her baby.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Girls Day at MOA!

Paige, Grandma and I decided to go on a little trip to Mall of America today. Why not, it was the first day of school for most kids in MN and it worked out perfect...no lines and hardly any people! We went on lots of rides, ate lunch and Paige made her baby brother a build a bear! Thanks to Grandma for coming with on our fun adventure. Paige thought it was great that Grandma went on the rides with her!!