Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

What a fun day! We went to the library for story time and they had a fun time planned, halloween stories, a parade and trick or treating around the library! We went to Grandma and Grandpa's to trick or treat and then came home for a fun dinner of "mummies" and "ghosts"! She got a card in the mail from he Great Granny, she even sent her a dollar! Paige had a blast trick or treating, she went with her friend Ava across the street! It was so much fun to see how excited they were, smiles from ear to ear!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pumpkin Painting...

Pumpkin Painting in PJ's! This is what we do to keep busy at 6:50am! Doesn't everyone??
This is the tiny pumpkin she picked at the pumpkin patch last night. She started with a brush and ended up with her hands!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Paige and I went to the pumpkin patch this afternoon. I've been going a little stir crazy lately, you can only play Polly Pockets for so many hours a day before your brain turns to mush!
I'm less then 3 weeks from having our baby boy, and figured some fresh (cold) air would do us some good. We didnt' really need a pumpkin, but they had lots of animals and activities to entertain us. We even went on the hayride! Luckily, Paige is in love with tiny pumpkins and picked a small one.  She must have said "look mom, this is the perfect one" about twenty times. Then she fell in love with the baby one, we're going to paint it in the morning after it spends a night in the house warming up. I love fall, but I'm sad that Halloween is almost here already...a sure sign that winter is on it's way!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cut and Paste

Paige did some cutting and pasting at school today so I decided to keep it going after nap. It was the perfect way to spend a cold afternoon! I didn't realize how well she could cut and use a glue stick, I need to remind myself that little things like this can keep her busy for a long time! She kept asking for a new project so we just kept going...the last project was a crown for everyone in the family, and she plans on making one for Peanut when he "comes out".

I had no idea she could cut a straight line! I drew a dotted line and a straight line, she asked which one she should cut first, then followed my direction. She cut up all the little squares to glue to her paper, I guess I need to do this more. Plus, it allows me to sit at the table instead of chasing her around or getting on the floor to play with's a win-win!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Carving Pumpkins

We had the annual pumpkin carving event at Grandma and Grandpa's this afternoon. Grandpa does a GREAT job of planting and growing pumpkins all summer, then we get to carve them and have some family fun! Everyone had fun and we had a yummy spaghetti dinner made by Grandma! Thanks to everyone for a fun night!

More Halloween Fun!

We've had a Halloween filled weekend so far! Thanks to Grandma Kathy for giving us the idea to go to the Halloween party at the library. They read books, sang songs and did a kids parade of they got a treat bag. We ran into our neighborhood friends, so Paige was extra excited to walk the parade with Addison and Grant.

After the fun at the library we decided to go to the Halloween Light Parade in Anoka. We met up with Paige's buddies Addison, Grant and Baby Avery. We had a fun afternoon a home followed by getting all bundled up for the parade. It was so much fun, we didn't have any trouble finding a parking spot or a spot to sit and watch the parade. It was a chilly night, but luckily we were all bundled up and nobody got cold. They turned off all the lights in downtown Anoka and had a half hour parade of floats that were full of lights. I attached a short video. Of course we had to buy a light-up sword...the good news is that it light the way to our car!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Trunk or Treat

Paige, or should I say Wonder Woman, and I went to my friend Dana's annual "trunk or treat" last night. She had a blast, she loved saying "trick or treat" and of course loved the candy...especially the suckers! They had a bunch of crafts set up as well, it was great!