Monday, October 21, 2013

Cut and Paste

Paige did some cutting and pasting at school today so I decided to keep it going after nap. It was the perfect way to spend a cold afternoon! I didn't realize how well she could cut and use a glue stick, I need to remind myself that little things like this can keep her busy for a long time! She kept asking for a new project so we just kept going...the last project was a crown for everyone in the family, and she plans on making one for Peanut when he "comes out".

I had no idea she could cut a straight line! I drew a dotted line and a straight line, she asked which one she should cut first, then followed my direction. She cut up all the little squares to glue to her paper, I guess I need to do this more. Plus, it allows me to sit at the table instead of chasing her around or getting on the floor to play with's a win-win!

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