Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Because I never want to forget...

Because I never want to forget....your cute little hairline.  You've had this little "duck tail" since you were born, the rest of your hair is starting to catch up...except that bald spot in back.  You love to rub your head back and forth in your crib.

Because I never want to forget...how sweet you are when I pick you up from daycare.  You always come to the door with Nichole, and you flash a huge smile when you see me followed by a total body wiggle.  Today you reached for me and it melted my heart!

Because I never want to forget...how much you LOVE bath time.  You can be crabby as can be but when I offer you a bath you're all smiles, it's something that totally cheers you up if you're having a fussy time.

Because I never want to forget...the look on your face when Daddy comes home from work.  Your smile is unreal and you "jabber" with him like crazy.  You're pretty quiet with me, but when Daddy gets home you are all squeals and screams.  I know for sure it makes his day...you've got him wrapped around your little finger.

Because I never want to forget...you love to suck on your little fingers.  You have the hardest time falling asleep because you just can't stop sucking on those tiny little fingers.  Your hands are always wet and cold, but you don't mind :).

Because I never want to forget...how red your cheeks get during the day.  They are the cutest little red cheeks, so chubby and kissable.  They turn red when you're warm and when you suck on your hands. 

I love you so much and I wish I could take a picture or take a video of all these things (among a million others) because I never want to forget how sweet and perfect you are to daddy and me.

Monday, November 29, 2010

18 Weeks!

It's getting harder and harder to take her weekly picture, as you can tell she wasn't all that thrilled with me :).
She rolled over again on her own this afternoon, I went out of the room for a minute and when I came back she was on her tummy.  She's getting such a personality, and she's willing to snuggle more now days...which I love!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Roll Over...

Well, it looks like no more swaddle for Paige.  As Ryan and I were relaxing tonight Ryan saw Paige roll over in her crib on the monitor!  She rolled from her back to her tummy, the scary thing is that she was swaddled.  We ran upstairs to find her sleeping on her tummy with her little arms at her sides, we rolled her over and took her swaddle off and she was mad as a hornet!  We've tried to put her to sleep without her swaddle on many occasions, but she scratches her face and sucks her hands keeping herself awake and miserable.  I could be a very long night...or couple nights for her to get used to sleeping without her swaddle.  Who knows maybe she'll love sleeping on her tummy! 

The day after Thanksgiving

On the day after Thanksgiving we were able to spend the day with Nana and Grandpa.  It was fun for Paige to see them, it had been a while and I know they loved seeing her!  We all had fun playing with the kids, Eliot was very sweet to the little girls...he's such a good boy!  He and Grandpa played "barber shop" and talked about hunting and four-wheelers, he is getting so big!  We had a great meal together and let the kids entertain us...it was the perfect Thanksgiving celebration :). 
p.s...Kenley didn't really drink the Coke...ha..ha..ha...

Paige and Alice

Tracy and Alice bought matching outfits for the girls.  I only got one picture, so I'll have to add more when I get them from Tracy.  They look so cute together!  Abby has one too, so hopefully we can get all 3 girls togetehr for a group picture soon.  Alice is getting so big, she's an awesome big cousin to Paige!  Paige actually looks a little like Alice did when she was a baby, they are both adorable!

Paige's First Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for this year, our biggest blessing is Paige. She brings so much joy to our lives, I honestly can't remember life before her!  Look at the cute little bow in her hair, it was cute while it lasted.

Ryan and I hosted Thanksgiving for my side of the family this year.  It was great because everyone contributed and I only had to bake the ham (which was very yummy).  Paige did a great job, I was a little worried that she might be overwhelmed, but she was a trooper. Everyone had a great time.  Ryan lead the game of poker for the ladies after dinner, it was cute to see them all around the table and Ryan dealing cards.

We were lucky enough to have 5 rooster pheasants show up and even a couple dear, everyone had a good time watching all the wildlife. 

Paige spent lots of time with her cousins, and she seemed to love it! 

We have SO MUCH to be thankful for!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Paige has found her voice, and screaming has been her new "thing".  She loves to squeal, but now that's turn into a full on scream...she usually uses it to talk and play, it's very cute.  Today was a different story, she had a stuffy nose and I had to use the boogie sucker, boy-o-boy did she scream!  She was mad and wanted me to know it!  Getting those boogies out was hard work, I felt like I was wrestling a heavy weight...SHE IS STRONG!  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we're hosting the celebration, it should be fun...hopefully Paige enjoys her first major holiday with family.  She's been "scared" of people and crowds lately, but hopefully she can get past that tomorrow and enjoy everything the holiday brings...family and time to be thankful for all our loved ones. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Big Girl

Paige's daycare lady was closed today because of a sick child. That means that Paige and I were able to spend the day together today.  I moved her highchair to the upright position and she loved it, it's been reclined slightly up until now.  She helped me "make" some cookies (it was premade cookie dough).
Shelly told me about a way to help the girls learn to sit on their own, so I tried it today and Paige loved it!  She looked so big sitting up tall...one of these days she'll do it on her own, but hopefully not for a little while - I still want her to be my baby!
Look at these cute little feet!!!

Story Time With Auntie Shelly!

We were able to have a much needed night with Eric and Shelly on Friday.  Paige was so happy that Auntie Shelly was reading...she LOVES books!  Look at Kenley's big smile, this is her favorite book!
Eliot decided to get in on the fun too!

I love seeing pictures of the kids together, it'll be fun to look back at them when they're older!

17 Weeks!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sleepy Baby

It's been a great weekend, Paige was able to spend some quality time with Daddy while I went out to lunch for Aunt Pat's birthday.  We were excited for church this morning, we got up and got all ready...rushed out the door to find a sheet of ice on the roads.  We pulled out of the driveway, and that's as far as we got...we honestly couldn't get back up.  So, we all came back in and we've had a bug snugglefest all day.  Paige is now taking a monster nap (much needed) going on 3 hours!  I made homemade chili and we did a few things around the house to get ready for Thanksgiving.  Now Ry and I are enjoying some relaxing time on the couch.  I can't even remember the last time we were lazy like this...for sure before Paige was born.  It's been a great weekend :)!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Honey Bunny

After giving Paige a bath tonight we wrapped her up in her towel (the bunny towel), this picture is makes me smile!  She's our little honey bunny!  Look at those big blue eyes!

One Year Ago Today...

One year ago today we found out that we were going to have a baby!  Hard to believe how much has changed, we are so blessed to have such a little sweetie...we love you Paige! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

16 Weeks!

Look at our big girl, she was 16 weeks old yesterday!  Notice all the drool on her shirt, she's drooling like crazy these days!  Her shirt is always wet, it's from drooling or spitting up (gross I know).  She slept in her crib for the first time last night and did a great job!  She sleeps in there for naps but we've had her in our room since she was born.  I think we all slept a little better last night!  She flipped herself 180 degrees at one point...she's a mover and shaker :)! 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pretty in Pink!

Doesn't she look cute!!! Jan Schwartz (Dana's mom) made her this beautiful blanket and baby bonnet, she made her a matching sweater too...but it's a little to big.  I can't wait until it fits, it's so precious!  Look at those big blue eyes, they melt my heart!!!  Yup, she's got mom wrapped around her finger :)!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Today Paige saw her first MN snowfall.  It was beautiful, a light blanket of snow on all the trees and big flakes falling all afternoon.  The bummer is that we were stuck inside, the plows weren't out and our favorite guys wasn't home to help us plow the driveway.  So, we hung out in our PJ's all day...it was great!  The house is a mess, but we don't care because we spent good quality time together today.  Paige was full of smiles and squeals today, she just got out of the bathtub and is fresh and clean.  She loves the bathtub, it's so cute to listen to her jabber while she's "swimming".
We miss Ryan and can't wait for him to come home tomorrow!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

13lbs 13oz

I took Paige to the dr. yesterday because of her cold and because her reflux has been pretty bad lately.  They weigh her at every appointment and yesterday she weighed 13lbs 13oz, she's in the 75th percentile.  Up until now she's been in the 95th percentile so she must be leveling off a bit.  She has her well check in a couple weeks and it will be interesting to see where she stands.  They upped her reflux meds, hopefully that will bring her some relief! 
She's feeling better today, but now Mommy has her cold.  Daddy's gone hunting so I'm hoping that she'll take long naps this weekend :).  She went to bed early tonight and for some reason she's been fighting bedtime at night lately.  Not me, I won't fight sleep...in fact I plan on being in bed by 8 tonight!
Good Night Paigey, we love you!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Poor little Paige has her first cold.  It's not to bad yet, just the sniffles and a very stuffy head.  She didn't sleep very well last night (or should I say early morning).  I'm hoping that it won't be anything major and that the antibodies in my milk will help her fight it off.  Nobody wants their baby to be sick :(.

Monday, November 8, 2010

15 Weeks Old!

  Look at those cheeks!!!

Paige is 15 weeks old today!  Nichole (her daycare provider) said that she was all smiles today, in fact the most smiles she's ever seen!  Ryan's coming home from his hunting trip tonight, and we're looking forward to it!  I know Paige will wiggle with delight when she sees him (and I have a feeling Ryan will do the same).

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Paige has been giggling so much lately!  She loves when I snuggle into her neck and give her kisses, her laugh isn't loud or boisterous rather a gentle sweet sound.  I can't wait until she laughs uncontrollably, but for now I'm just LOVING the sweet little sounds that come out of her mouth.

Her favorite book is "But not the hippopotamus" and tonight when I read it she was squealing and kicking like crazy.  She loves reading books...I can't believe how quick she's growing!!!

Paige's Fortune

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's last night, it was a nice break in the day since daddy is gone hunting.  We ordered Chinese food and it was delish, Piage had her firsts fortune from a fortune cookie "You stand in your own light, make it shine".  I though it was a perfect for a sweet little baby, she is our little shinning light! 
Snuggling with Uncle Pat and talking to Auntie Tracy!