Tuesday, November 2, 2010

14 Weeks

Here she is at 14 weeks old!  I've decided that I'm going to take a picture every week until she's a year old, I know it sounds corny but I want to remember all the little changes that she goes through.  Isn't she getting big!  Taking her picture is going to be tricky going forward because now she's grabbing things, and instead of looking at the camera she only wants to play with the bear (I don't blame her!).

Some of her new tricks:
~Rolling on her sides
~Rolling from tummy to back
~Playing in her exersaucer
~Loves her Bumbo seat
~Smiling and the occasional giggle
~Loves looking in the mirror (just like her daddy...ha...ha...ha...)
~Grabbing things, batting at her playgym
~She loves blowing bubbles with her mouth
~She LOVES bath time
~She loves when daddy gets home from work, she's all smiles!
~Loves reading books

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