Saturday, November 27, 2010

Paige's First Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for this year, our biggest blessing is Paige. She brings so much joy to our lives, I honestly can't remember life before her!  Look at the cute little bow in her hair, it was cute while it lasted.

Ryan and I hosted Thanksgiving for my side of the family this year.  It was great because everyone contributed and I only had to bake the ham (which was very yummy).  Paige did a great job, I was a little worried that she might be overwhelmed, but she was a trooper. Everyone had a great time.  Ryan lead the game of poker for the ladies after dinner, it was cute to see them all around the table and Ryan dealing cards.

We were lucky enough to have 5 rooster pheasants show up and even a couple dear, everyone had a good time watching all the wildlife. 

Paige spent lots of time with her cousins, and she seemed to love it! 

We have SO MUCH to be thankful for!

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