Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Because I never want to forget...

Because I never want to forget....your cute little hairline.  You've had this little "duck tail" since you were born, the rest of your hair is starting to catch up...except that bald spot in back.  You love to rub your head back and forth in your crib.

Because I never want to forget...how sweet you are when I pick you up from daycare.  You always come to the door with Nichole, and you flash a huge smile when you see me followed by a total body wiggle.  Today you reached for me and it melted my heart!

Because I never want to forget...how much you LOVE bath time.  You can be crabby as can be but when I offer you a bath you're all smiles, it's something that totally cheers you up if you're having a fussy time.

Because I never want to forget...the look on your face when Daddy comes home from work.  Your smile is unreal and you "jabber" with him like crazy.  You're pretty quiet with me, but when Daddy gets home you are all squeals and screams.  I know for sure it makes his day...you've got him wrapped around your little finger.

Because I never want to forget...you love to suck on your little fingers.  You have the hardest time falling asleep because you just can't stop sucking on those tiny little fingers.  Your hands are always wet and cold, but you don't mind :).

Because I never want to forget...how red your cheeks get during the day.  They are the cutest little red cheeks, so chubby and kissable.  They turn red when you're warm and when you suck on your hands. 

I love you so much and I wish I could take a picture or take a video of all these things (among a million others) because I never want to forget how sweet and perfect you are to daddy and me.

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