Saturday, November 26, 2011

16 Months Old!

 I know I say this every month, but I can't believe Paige is 16 months old! 

Some of her favorite things:
~baby bottles
~baby blankets
~Kenley's baby
~feeding her babies
~putting her waffle in the toaster at breakfast
~reading books
~looking out the back window for animals
~her little kitchen
~the fake food for her little kitchen
~folding clothes (she's a great helper)
~Oh, and did I mention ELMO!

She's been battling and an ear infection for a couple weeks. She was put on new meds for a double ear infection the other day, and had an upset tummy this evening. It makes me sad when she's not feeling well, somehow I feel responsible (silly, I know). I know that antibiotics have that side effect, and she did seem to be feeling better before bed. Her poor little bottom is so red. She's a trooper though, she played and didn't seem bothered by it...other than not eating much for dinner. 

I can't believe how much Paige changes from month to month, I am so proud to call her mine. She's such a loving a sweet little girl. It's fun to watch her "mother" her babies...covering them with blankets and giving out hugs and kisses after feeding them a bottle. It's amazing that such a tiny little girl can have so much love for her little baby dolls...she's going to be a great mommy some day!

The best part of my day is when she runs up to me out of the blue, wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my lips. My heart melts several times a day when she dishes out her hugs & kisses, what could be better? Being a mom is my full time job and the benefits are endless. I love you Paige!

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