Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My little bird feeder

Paige and daddy love to feed the birds together. If only the squirrels and deer didn't eat it all, I will say we do end up with a few birds shortly after they fill the feeder. Paige loves watching all the animals eat the bird seed, recently I've been throwing all our "left overs" out the back door. I figure the animals will eat it, and I feel better about that then throwing it away. I'm sure I'll be kicking myself, we'll have raccoons begging at the back door soon...ha..ha..ha..

Paige has started to say "cold", she knows that the weather is changing. Less time outside is no fun, I need to make a pledge to get her outside for at least 20 minutes a day...unless it's below zero or really windy.  Easier said than done, I'm someone who would rather say bundled up inside and check out the cold weather from my window. Like I said, it's my goal.

Check out her little red nose.

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