Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Girl Bed

Well, she/we did it! She slept all night in the twin bed with help from Grandma's bed-rails. I must say I was worried about her falling out so after much worry and a quick search on Craigslist I ended up buying a toddler bed this morning. There was no nap-time yesterday due to an over-tired girl who wouldn't sleep in a big girl bed. Needless to say that being VERY tire helped her sleep through the night last night and as I type she's sleeping in her new "big-girl" bed. Change is hard, she's going through so much growth right now...she wants to be independent yet still needs our help. She's been busy, and very active lately I know she's growing because she's able to turn the lights off and on all by herself, she couldn't do that two weeks ago. So many things are changing and it's obvious that our little girl is no longer a baby. Here's a pic of her in her new bed :).

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