Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Family Time...

We had a fun day together as a family on Monday, we went for a little get-a-way to the Brainerd and enjoyed seeing our great granny.  Paige had a hard time going to sleep and learned to crawl out of her pack n' was an adventure for mommy and daddy. She also ended up with a huge bump on her forehead, which is now a beautiful shade of green and purple.
This little girl is for sure showing her true "2 year old" colors, she's been pushing the limits with many things lately. Bedtime has been a HUGE struggle, she is currently screaming in her bed. I'm not sure what triggered this behavior but I wish it this phase would pass. It's sad to hear her cry, scream and be totally exhausted...and it's pretty hard on her mom and dad too!
Here are a few pictures from our trip...

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