Thursday, July 26, 2012

Special Birthday!

What a special day for Paige! Some may say she's spoiled...I say she's loved! Sam spent the night and Paige was so excited to see her when she woke up. She kept saying "I wake Sam up" and we let her sleep until almost 8:00am before I let Paige wake her up (she was already awake). 

 Sam made Paige this ADORABLE Tu-Tu, Paige LOVED it (but didn't want me taking her picture).

After breakfast we were off to the beach! We met Shelly, Kenley, Eliot and Crystal. Paige was so brave and went in the water all the way up to her neck! Wow, she's changed so much! She would barely put her feet in the water 2 months ago.

After the beach we met Grandma, Grandpa, Alice, Andy, Tracy and Uncle Mike for lunch at Culver's. Paige was spoiled with more gifts and balloons, she LOVED it! Many of the people working at Culver's stopped to wish her a happy birthday and she was beaming...oh, and she sat in a big girl chair. After lunch we were home for a nap and more play time with Sam when Paige woke up.

Daddy got home early and the 3 of us went to the fair to see all the horses and animals. She had so much fun and really liked petting zoo where she held a cute little bunny. She kept telling Ryan not to scare it, the tractor pull was going on and it was very loud...she was worried that the bunny would be scared. Of course she loved the horses, she watched the barrel races and we walked through the horse area forever. It was a beautiful night, not hot or muggy...perfect for the fair.

Thanks to everyone who made Paige's day special, it meant so much to see her happy and I know she felt very loved!

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