Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pony Ride

What a huge change in weather, it has been pushing 100 degrees with what felt like 100% humidity for the last week! A storm last night brought much cooler weather this morning so we decided to do something fun. What better thing to do then go for a pony ride at the Bunker Hills stables? Well, I wouldn't really call it a pony ride, but she did technically sit on the pony for about 3 seconds. It was more of a pony walk, you know the kind where daddy walks the pony like a dog and we walk side by side with it. The pony's name was butterscotch, and Paige finally got up the courage to pet her when we were done with our 15-20 minute pony walk. Of course, after we were done she "wanted to pet him & wanted to hold him". It was fun and a good way for her to get used to being around horses...she loves them in books and loves playing with all her little toy horses, but seeing the real thing is a bit intimidating. It's something we'll do again, it was the perfect cool morning to try something new. Now Ryan is trying to talk me into a trail ride, and like Paige I'm a little intimidated too!

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