Friday, September 30, 2011

Another Beautiful Fall Day

Daddy is home from Chicago and we are all very happy to be together!  Paige was so excited to see him this morning, she was grinning from ear to ear!  We took a walk this afternoon, Paige explored lots of fun stuff and daddy even showed her how to climb trees!  Near the end of our walk she found a pine cone, she thought it was pretty amazing.  I wish fall could last another 6 months, I really enjoy our daily walks and the beautiful fall leaves are an added bonus!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Paige had her little ECFE class this morning, she still has a runny nose so we put a little vaseline on to help with the redness.  She was extra cute this morning, she likes playing in her little kitchen (thanks to Tracy and Mike) and pretending to eat chicken and ice cream cones.
She really seems to like ECFE, I think it helps that Eliot is there...I know it helps me to know that he's watching out for her.  She loves seeing Kenley too and the girls played together this morning washing babies with sponges, Kenley really liked the bubbles.  Paige and Eliot played in a big bin of noodles (uncooked) and Paige thought it was fun to dump all of them on the floor...the poor teachers had a lot to sweep up when she left I'm sure.  The parents separate from the kids for about 45 minutes and during that time we're able to spy on the kids through a mirrored glass window.  It's fun to watch her play when I'm not around, and she didn't care that I was gone at all.  I know that won't always be the case, but I'm enjoying it for now.  Here's a couple pix of my sweetie from this morning, notice the cute little pony tail.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Great Day for a Walk!

It's a beautiful fall day, so Paige and I met Auntie Tracy and Abby for a walk.  We met in Anoka and walked along the river, it looked so pretty with the leaves changing colors!  It was great to get some fresh air and watch Archie chase squirrels and ducks.  We love fall, and have zero desire for winter to arrive...we're trying to soak up every last opportunity for a walk or biker-ride.
Paige slept in today (well, sort of).  She woke up around 5:30 and I finally went in to get her at 6:00 and brought her into my bed.  She fell back asleep until was amazing!  It was so much fun to hold her in my arms and watch her sleep, that hasn't happened in ages.  Ryan left for Chicago early this morning, so Paige took his spot in the bed :).  After our walk we came home, had lunch and she is sleeping as I type.  I think we might be getting closer to the one nap a day.  We have ECFE tomorrow, so it'll be another one nap day.

Monday, September 26, 2011

14 Months Old!

Paige is 14 months old today!  She's got her first cold of season (well a runny nose anyway) but she's still in pretty good spirits.
~You've been accident prone lately...lots of bumps and bruises.
~ You love to open the cupboards, daddy put locks on all of them but he left one for you to play with.
~You've been doing this funny whining noise over and over when you want something, it's your way to get what you want.
~ You giggle every time I sweep and you love for the broom to "chase" you.
~You've been fake sneezing's pretty cute.
~ You love to brush your teeth (uncle eric will be impressed).
~ You prefer the wagon over the stroller.
~ You like to put your cups in the fridge, after ever meal you insist on picking them up off the counter and putting them on the top shelf in the refrigerator.
~ You like rubbing mommy's back (and I love it too).
~ You LOVE to eat, we are so lucky that you're a good eater.  You've decided that you like green beans now, that makes me happy!
~ You're not a fan of getting your picture taken, but I take it all the time anyway :).
~ You've added "shoes" to your list of words.  You prefer to listen over talking, some day you'll have lots to say.
~You'll follow pretty much any request I give you, it's amazing how much you understand.
~You like when I sing "itsy...bitsy...spider", you move your little fingers like the spider and it melts my heart!
I love you!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Fall!

It's officially fall, the weather is cool and Paige even had to wear a hat today.  We played outside with Uncle Mike and Andy (along with Grandma and Grandpa too).  Uncle Mike taught Paige how to pick apples from the tree and eat them.  Andy was excited to drive around on the 4-wheeler and Paige even took a ride with Uncle Mike. I'm proud of her because normally she's scared of loud noises.  We had a fun afternoon, Paige is fast asleep and dreaming of apples and 4-wheelers I'm sure.

Grandpa planted lots of pumpkins in his garden this year, there are TONS to choose from.  We'll have to wait until daddy gets home and go pick a couple out for our front step.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I was feeling crafty last night, Paige went to bed early and I decided to make a couple little headbands.  I've seen so many cute headbands for little girls and I decided to tackle a new project.  Paige doesn't like to keep them on her head, but I made a couple for her cousin Alice's birthday (shhhhhh, don't tell).  They turned out pretty cute, here's one...I can't wait until Paige leaves things in her hair.

Little Helper

Paige has learned how to open the kitchen cupboards, I knew it would happen sooner or later. Ryan put a lock on the cabinets under the sink, and it looks like he'll have to add a few more when he gets home from his fishing trip.  Paige helped herself to all the paper plates, cups and straws today...she was having so much fun that I just let her play.  She's been clingy since yesterday, I think her molars are still she has a bug bite on her forehead that looks a little uncomfortable.  Oh well, she's a trooper.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nana & Grandpa

Nana and Grandpa came last weekend, it was great to spend time together as a family. I don't know what we did before kids, they all keep us very entertained!  Paige loves following her big cousin Eliot around, and he really likes playing with her too.  It's amazing how much Paige has changed in the last couple months, she's turning into a true little toddler!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Time with cousins = FUN!

Paige was so excited when she saw Andy and Alice on Friday!  It was fun to watch her follow them around, she loves the "big kids" :)!  Alice and Paige played in the toy kitchen at grandma's house and loved watching Andy and Uncle Ryan play catch in the yard.  Oh, and Alice did tons of gymnastics tricks for us, Paige LOVED that!