Monday, September 26, 2011

14 Months Old!

Paige is 14 months old today!  She's got her first cold of season (well a runny nose anyway) but she's still in pretty good spirits.
~You've been accident prone lately...lots of bumps and bruises.
~ You love to open the cupboards, daddy put locks on all of them but he left one for you to play with.
~You've been doing this funny whining noise over and over when you want something, it's your way to get what you want.
~ You giggle every time I sweep and you love for the broom to "chase" you.
~You've been fake sneezing's pretty cute.
~ You love to brush your teeth (uncle eric will be impressed).
~ You prefer the wagon over the stroller.
~ You like to put your cups in the fridge, after ever meal you insist on picking them up off the counter and putting them on the top shelf in the refrigerator.
~ You like rubbing mommy's back (and I love it too).
~ You LOVE to eat, we are so lucky that you're a good eater.  You've decided that you like green beans now, that makes me happy!
~ You're not a fan of getting your picture taken, but I take it all the time anyway :).
~ You've added "shoes" to your list of words.  You prefer to listen over talking, some day you'll have lots to say.
~You'll follow pretty much any request I give you, it's amazing how much you understand.
~You like when I sing "itsy...bitsy...spider", you move your little fingers like the spider and it melts my heart!
I love you!

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