Saturday, September 10, 2011

Because I never want to forget....

I haven't done this in a while and I want to document this stuff so I'll never forget.

You have THE BEST smile, it lights up the room and melts my heart!
You love it when daddy and I chase you, you giggle like crazy.
You love to climb the stairs, but you're not a fan of coming down (we're working on that).
You LOVE seeing other kids!
You love dogs, bunnies, birds, squirrels and'll stand at the back window in hopes that you'll see something (and you usually do).
You have a new love for kitchen utensils, especially the spatula.
You still love to dance.
You've been a stinker when it comes to diaper changes lately, you don't want to lay still and you put up a big fuss.
If I leave the room you'll yell "mom"..."momma"..."mom"..."momma" over and over until I come back.
You think it's hilarious to smell your socks when we take the off, and you giggle when we say "stinky socks".
You love holding and pretending to drink out of daddy's big yellow up, it makes you so happy!
You can say the words: cup, drop, dog, cow, mom, dad, papa, rock and hop-hop (not sure if anyone else would understand you...but I do).
You're getting so big and wearing mostly 18 month clothes, they are a little big but not by much.
You love to be outside and when we're home all you want to do is play with the landscaping rocks.
You're finally starting to enjoy bike rides, especially when mommy lets you hold her phone.
Your hair has a hint of red and is getting a little longer, but you won't let me put a bow in it at all.
You love yogurt, and fruit...still trying to find a way to get you to eat veggies!
You're way better about drinking your whole milk now!
You've become more of a cuddle bug and you'll freely give me kisses when I ask :).
You LOVE your thumb and you even have a little callus to show for it!

You are one happy, healthy and sweet little girl!  You make our world great and I can't imagine life without you! We love you more than you'll ever know!

Love Mommy!

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