Friday, September 16, 2011

One Year Molars!

Well, 3 of the 4 molars have arrived.  I had no idea until I was feeding her today and noticed a big white thing in her mouth.  At first I thought it was food and then I realized it was a tooth...a big huge molar that is almost fully in!  How did I miss that?  Then I felt up top and the two top molars have just pushed their way though too...the bottom right molar has yet to appear.
I should have known something was up, she's been a little edgy, drooling a bit more...she had a little temp the other day AND she had her first diaper rash ever (due to the fact that she pooped 6 times in one day!).  She's been such a trooper, I've heard horror stories from other moms about how bad teething can be for molars.  Way to go Paige!

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