Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

What a nice weekend, the weather was great and we had some great family time.  Eric, Shelly and the kids came over on friday night, it's always fun to see the kids hang out together.  We got our first picture of the three of them...they are so cute!

We went to Grandma and Grandpa O's house on Saturday and carved pumpkins.  Paige missed out because she was napping (and so was daddy).  Andy and Alice helped clean the pumpkins out and had fun feeling the "guts"...Andy liked putting the pieces back in the pumpkin like a puzzle!
Sunday was relaxing, we went to church and then spent the day together.  Time seems to fly by when we're home on the weekends!

Paige had her first Halloween this year, we dressed her up in a little cow costume.  She didn't like the outfit to much so it was short lived...but very cute!  We had TONS of trick or treaters, and many of them were Paige's daycare buddies.  It was fun to see all of them and hear them yell to their parents "that's baby Paige's house".  They were wondering where her costume was (since she was in her PJ's) and wondering if she was going to bed funny.  Paige LOVED seeing all the kids, she was squealing up a storm.  Just think, next year we can bring her around the fun to dream about the future with her!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

3 Months Old

Paige was 3 months old yesterday!  Her daycare lady's child was sick so daddy got to stay home and spend the day with her.  He said she was perfect and they had a great day together! She's really been enjoying the mobile on her crib, she loves to watch the little lady bugs that rotate and the differnt color lights. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby Pictures

Paige was only 2 weeks old when these pictures were taken.  Sonja came to our house so we didn't have to bring Paige out anywhere, it was great!  Most of the session was shot with her naked, needless to say I got pooped on, peed on an puked on.  She lost her belly button mid way through the photo shoot too, it was an eventful day.  She was so little, hard to believe she'll be 3 months old tomorrow!

Winter Hat

This is my new favorite cracks me up!  Paige is NOT a fan of her winter hats, she cries every time we put them on.  I bought this new one thinking she might like it a little better, she actually sat in her chair without crying but looked at us with this grumpy face.  So cute!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bubbles = wet clothes!

Paige has been blowing bubbles with her mouth like crazy, she even does it in her sleep!  I woke up the other night to her bubbles, and laughed to myself when I realized she was totally asleep.  She started doing it about a week ago and does it all the time, it's really cute...but her shirts are always wet.  She's also been sucking on her hands like crazy, and they're always wet and cold!  She'll be 3 months old this week, but I think I'll still take her picture every week...I want to document everything :)!

We had a great weekend together, spent lots of quality time as a was wonderful!

Friday, October 22, 2010


We put Paige's ExcerSaucer together (thanks Auntie Midge) and she loves it!  She's a bit little for it yet so we have to put some blankets around her...but she really enjoys looking at everything.  She LOVES being upright and checking things out, laying on the floor playing with toys is not as much fun as it used to be :). 

She's also getting so much better at sitting in her bumbo, her neck is getting stronger every day!

Back To Work

Well, I made it through my first week back to work.  It was much harder then I expected!  Monday was ok, very rushed and although I felt sick to my stomach all day it went by fast!  Tuesday was harder, I cried a couple times and missed her like crazy.  I'm still letting myself adjust to everything and I need to give it all a chance...if I don't like it I know there are other options :).  We didn't have daycare today so Ry is home with Paige this morning and I'm leaving work in a couple minutes (yes, I'm typing this at work :). 

I had my day home with Paige yesterday and it was awesome. We made banana bread in the morning...Paige sat in her highchair and watched. Then we went to her PT appointment and the therapist said that she sees a HUGE improvement...way to go Paige all your hard work paid off!  We are still working with her for a full range of motion in her neck.  She's really having fun and rolling to her left side a lot, not rolling over but just to her side!

Monday, October 18, 2010

12 Weeks!

Where did the time go, it seems like just yesterday that the dr. lifted her over the drape and said "here's your little girl".  I can still see her little purple body and love to relive that moment in my head.  I remember thinking "she's so little...she's so beautiful...and she's all ours".  She's been a gift, I love her more then words...Ry and I still love to lay in bed and watch her sleep (yes, she's still in our room at night;).  Time seems to be going by way to quick, I want to take every moment and freeze it in time...I know it's only going to go faster now that I'm back at work.


Paige started her first real week of daycare today, I was very emotional yesterday and was glad to spend so much time with her over the weekend.  She woke up every 2 hours last night, it was like she knew I was nervous or something.  I got everything packed up the night before one bag for her and 3 bags for me!  I know that every day will get a little easier, and she was in a great mood this morning when we "talked" in bed...I love her so much!  Nichole was so sweet, she sent several emails today to update me on how Paige was totally eased my mind. 

Work was ok, I had TONS of emails and spent my entire day going through them and organizing them.  Luckily the day flew by and wasn't that bad, I left a little early and was able to pick Paige up at 2:15.  She was in a good mood when I got there, my biggest fear is that she would be crying when I picked her up, but she was all smiles!

Day one complete, we know we can do it :)!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kenley & Paige

Here's some pictures of Kenley and Paige practicing tummy time.  It's so fun to see them together, they are both doing great!  Kenley is doing the "tuck and roll", it's so cute to see how fast she is!  Paige rolled from her tummy to her back last night and I got it on video!  They are both getting so big, where does the time go!

After tummy time Kenley was enjoying a bottle and Paige feel asleep on the floor!  It  was so cute, she just sort of "sang" herself to sleep right on the living room floor...she must have been very sleepy!

Big Smile!

Our little sweetie and her BIG smile!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bye-Bye Sara and Rylan

We had a great time with Sara and Rylan this past week!  It was so hard to see them go, but good to know that we will see them again in February!  Until then, we'll just have to Skype a ton!  Rylan is such a good boy, so cute and I can't wait to see how the two of them play 4 months from now!

Paige is starting daycare in 2 days and if I left myself think to much about it my anxiety will rise to very high levels.  I know she'll be fine, and it's only 6-7 hours a day...but that's a long time when we've only been apart for 3 hours at most.  She'll be fine, Nichole is great and I just have to let go of the control.

She's been so sweet this weekend!  Ryan went up north to grouse hunt with Eric and his dad, and Paige has been a dream.  She's all smiles in the mornings and I can't imagine how much she's going to change in the next month!

We were practicing tummy time last night and she rolled from her tummy to her back!  It only happened once and I think she surprised herself, I'll have to keep trying as I know she's close.

We love you Paigey!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Old Friends...New Babies!

What a day!  Our friend Jackie came down from Morris with her little boy Bryce today.  It was so much fun to see her and meet her little guy, he was is so cute!  Bryce is 11 months old, Rylan is 6 months old and Paige is almost 3 months old.  It was fun to catch up and talk about the old days...of course we thought we all still looked the same, just older versions of ourselves :).

Paige went to daycare again today for 3 hours.  Sara and I spent some time at the outlet mall, we ran around and found some good's amazing what moms can do in such a short time :)!  Nichole said that Paige had some fussy time and that made me sad, but when I got there she perked up.  Sara reminded me that "no baby has ever died from crying" and that it will get better when Paige becomes more familiar with her new schedule.  It's just so hard to let go of the control...but I know it will be fine once we both get in the grove when mommy goes back to work.

Ryan is going hunting this weekend, so it's a "girls weekend" at our house.  I'm going to spend as much time as possible loving her up, holding her and kissing her before our time together is up :).

I love you Paige!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

I wonder if they're saying "can you believe our moms are making us do this"! 

It was a cute pumpkin patch but we didn't stay long...I guess it was more for Sara and me. 

11 Weeks!

Paige is 11 weeks old today!  We love you Sweetie!

Paige's First Giggle

My best friend Sara is in town for the week along with her little boy Rylan.  We went to her parents for dinner last night and plan on spending the week together.  It was the first time that Sara met Paige and can you believe that she got Paige to giggle!  We've been waiting for this day, and I'm so glad that Sara is the one to make her laugh for the first time.  I had just changed Paige's diaper and she was sort of fussy, Sara took her while I went to wash my hands so I missed most of the laughing.  I did catch the tail end and it was adorable.  I told Sara that she has to get her laugh every day while she's here!

We're looking forward to heading to the pumpkin patch with the kids today.  More cute pictures to come!

Love At First Sight!

Paige and Rylan met for the fist time last night!  It was so cute, Ryan is 4 months older then Paige and it's fun to see how busy he is.  I can't believe that in 4 short months Paige will be sitting and scooting around!  We joke that Paige and Rylan will get married some day, and they sure make a cute couple already!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I had to share this cute picture of Paige in her "Bumbo" seat.  It is pretty cute, she's a bit to little to be sitting in it...but the PT said it's good for her neck and spine for short periods of time.

She's been sucking on her hands like crazy lately!  At she breaks free from her swaddle and wakes us up with her sucking noises.  She's not hungry, just loves to suck on her fingers :).

We went to Costco this morning so that Ryan could pick out some new glasses.  Paige did an awesome job and even fell asleep!  She gave us the pleasure of a relaxing walk around Costco (if there is such a think on a saturday morning).

Sara and Rylan are flying in from Arizona tonight, we're looking forward to spending the week with them!  Can't wait for the kids to hang out and for Sara and I have to have some time together too!

I added another cute picture of Paige...I was playing with a color feature on my camera :).

80 in October!

It was a beautiful day yesterday...can you believe it was 80 degrees in October!  We loved it and brought a blanket outside so we could all hang out in the warm sunshine!  It was Paige's first time relaxing on a blanket outside, she was so calm an happy.  When the wind would blow it would take her breath away and Ry and I would laugh, it was so cute.  Her eyes are more and more blue every day, laying out in the sun showed off their true beauty!

She's starting to "giggle" every once in a while, not a full on laugh but a little giggle.  We can't wait for the belly laughs, that's going to be so fun!