Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Two years ago today Ryan and I got married!  It's hard to believe how much life has changed in the last 2 years, it seems like just yesterday and yet it seems like we've been married forever.  We're an amazing team and I couldn't have picked a better man to share my life with! 

This morning we took Paige for a drive past "The Refuge" where we got married.  It looked beautiful, but not as beautiful as the day we got married.  Many of the leaves have already changed and fallen, we were lucky to have such beautiful fall colors that day! 

We attempted to get Paige's hand print in plaster today...note the word attempted.  It didn't work so well, maybe we'll try again when she's a little older :).

It's Alice's 6th birthday today so we went and celebrated her special day.  She had a monkey themed party and everyone had a great time.  Paige slept through most of it, but she woke up long enough for us to take a nice family picture.

We're going to spend the rest of the day as a family, maybe go for a walk and get take-out or grill.  We are so blessed to have each other!

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