Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ultrasound #2

Paige had her second ultrasound today and did a GREAT job!  She laid on the table and smiled the entire time, it was a welcome change from the last one she had.  It was actually really cute to watch her, she looked at the ultrasound techs so seriously and then would flash her cute smile. 

She had her first pysical therapy appointment yesterday, it wasn't very fun...she cried...A LOT!  They showed us some stretches for her neck and basically said that we need to approach her from her left at all times.  We had to switch her bed and from now on we'll put all the toys on her left side, sit and play on the left side of her and all around encourage her to have full extention to her left.  They said it was a mild case but that we need to work with her so it doesn't get worse.  They encouraged us to put her in her "Bumbo" chair too and she looks so cute...I'll have to take a picture of that one tomorrow. 

After 2 1/2 months daddy finally gave her her first bath!  She's grown to love bath time...she loves when you sing to her and smiles from ear to ear!  Daddy did a great job - although he's not sure if he'll be able to do it again soon because he got to sweaty.  Oh Daddy! 

Paige is going to try out daycare for 2 hours tomorrow and mommy is already having a little anxiety about it.  I know she'll be fine, it's me I'm worried about :)!  I'm going to pack her little bag tonight, and we forgot to feed her the bottle so I'm a little worried about how she's going to react when taking the bottle from Nichole.  I'm all around nervous, I'm so glad I'm doing this so that it's not such a huge change when I go back to work. 

She's the sunshine to our day and we love her!

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